Itinerary Attention All Va, Nc, &surrounding Area:1st Annual

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by mcjimjam, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Doug & Cay

    Doug & Cay Newbie

    We talked it over this weekend and we decided we would like to attend. Let us know if there is still room for another CI. Coming from Maryland.
    We are newbies and have only been on one outing this year. I signed on this site on a Saturday in April and the following Friday I was the owner of a 560 Ultra. We were planning on buying a new one next year but got lucky on a used one. We are interested in checking out this area for cycling. Are there any other people coming that road bike?
    Doug & Cay
  2. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Come ahead, Doug & Cay! We will be happy to have you attend!

    Christopher is a road biker, but unfortunately will not be able to attend.
    As far as I know, the rest of us prefer bike paths!
  3. Dshores

    Dshores Newbie

    Ok, I am a wannabe CI owner that would like to attend. I am still trying to make up my mind on what teardrop would work out best for me.

    Does anyone have a problem with a backpacker crashing this outing and hang up a hammock for the weekend? From what I have seen of pictures of this park it looks like there are plenty of trees to hang in. I would be able to get there Friday night but I would have to leave Sunday morning
  4. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    We would be delighted for you to join us, BaseCamp! The 550 and 560 models will both be there for personal tours. And you are right, there are plenty of good places to hang a hammock.
  5. Dshores

    Dshores Newbie

    Great! I will see everyone on the 9th. I will be interested to hear why everyone picked their options on their teardrops.
  6. Lenny357

    Lenny357 Novice

    I will be showing up around 11:00 AM on the 10th Sat.

    Attendee info
    Wife Etsuko
    Daughter Sierra
    Myself Chris

    I just picked up a Bamboo matteress cover so nice and cool, I'm so excitted to see all your cool ideas, and campers. Of course I will make a video to document are outting. Thanks Jim really cool getting this going
  7. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Duke and I should be there sometime Friday afternoon, Michelle has to work so she won't make it until about 9:30 or so.
  8. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    One week left until MAUCICCO at North Bend Park!!!

    Info for those attending:

    1. If you plan on attending, please send us your name and vehicle license plate number, and when you plan on arriving, so that we can notify the gate keeper of who to admit.

    2. At this time, we are anticipating 10 "families", which makes the cost for the entire weekend $30. per family. This will be adjusted should more or less show up. Cash or checks payable to Jim or Jamie can be paid at the park.

    3. Plan on a Potluck dinner for Saturday night. We will provide sloppy Joe's and buns for all. Everyone else, please bring a favorite appetizer OR side dish OR dessert to share (22-24 people). If sloppy joe's don't suit your palate, feel free to bring another main dish! These things always have a way of working themselves out!

    4. Don't forget bikes, floatables, and fishing gear, if you are so inclined!

    5. If you need directions, let us know, and we will try to assist you.
    We will be staying in the Piney Woods Group Area of North Bend Park, 64 North Bend Dr. Boydton, VA

    Temperatures are looking favorable so far- Daytime low to mid 80's. Night time, below 70.

    We are looking forward to meeting and spending time with everyone..... And it is not to late for others to join in at the last minute! Plenty of room!!
  9. Dshores

    Dshores Newbie

    I will be late getting to the outing. We had a state auditor show up today and he will not be done until 4:30. With the audit going so late I would not be able to get there at the earliest until 10:30 pm and that is not taking into account all of the traffic from Washington DC to Richmond Va.

    I will take off early tomorrow and get there in the morning.

  10. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks for letting us know, BaseCamp, sounds like a good decision.
    We will save a couple of trees for your hammock!
  11. Lenny357

    Lenny357 Novice

    hitin the hay see you all tomorrow I will be towing a Campinn :) let the gate guy know...;)

    Little rain planned should be an adventure
  12. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    5 here already, 4 or 5 more ( maybe?) expected today. The lake is great, saw a beautiful sunrise from my door this AM! Wish you were all here! If you are in the area, c' mon and join us!!!
  13. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks, Jenn! 2 days down, 2 to go! We are small in number (8 "units") but we are having a great time with a super group of people!
    Had a lone thunderstorm hit, just before our potluck, with a nearby bolt of lightning and crack of thunder that got everyone's attention! Otherwise, the weather has been great!
  14. Dshores

    Dshores Newbie

    I would like to thank everyone at the outing for answering my questions on the options and accessories that they chose in their teardrops and raindrops. It is really helping me narrow down my options. Maybe next year I can come back with my CI instead of a hammock.

  15. ajs777

    ajs777 Novice

    Jim and Jamie,

    Thanks again for a great weekend, it was a pleasure meeting the two of you......and everyone else.

    I think this is going to become the premiere east coast gathering......great location, great group of people and great hosts!!!
  16. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks so much, AJ & Michelle! It was great meeting you also! We wish you could have stayed the extra day, but Jim says- "thanks for leaving, Michelle, because the weather turned out to be beautiful!!" Looking forward to meeting up with you both again, at the 10th Annual CICO! Have a fun & safe trip on your way there!!
  17. Jim & Jamie,
    Great Time! Wish I had not listened to the weather report and brought the canoe. Outside of the slight rain Saturday night, it was beautiful weather. A little humid for my taste but not unbearable. With the fan over the bed blowing down the sleeping was very pleasant. Thank you for all the work and effort you put into organizing this gathering. It was interesting to visit and see how someone else handles similar situations. I know I am taking away some good ideas.
  18. Lenny357

    Lenny357 Novice

    Greet seeing you all great time

    Sierra says hi to her :/
  19. mcjimjam

    mcjimjam Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016

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