Volkswagen Jetta Sportwagen TDI

Discussion in 'Towing & Tow Vehicles' started by fdkoh99, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    OK - there has been lots of discussion regarding the VW Jetta Sportwagen, its towing capacity and mileage.

    I purchased a Jetta TDI 6 speed manual... Note: the diesel automatic can not tow anything and is specifically called out in the manual as voiding the warranty.

    Results after 4000 miles.

    Car alone traveling 65 mph on flat terrain is 48+ miles per gallon.

    With the trailer......on flat terrain (south dakota) with the AC on....

    55mph = 42 mpg
    60mph = 37.5 mpg
    65mph = 34 mpg
    70mph = 28.2 mpg
    75mph = 26.5 mpg
    80mph = 24.8 mpg

    other data points

    67mph (rolling hills) = 30mpg
    60mph (hilly - eastern Wyoming) = 34 mpg

    Power was never an issue - very strong torque
    On board computer said upshift... but seem too aggressive with the trailer - so I ignored the shift recommendations... went with feel/sound, and kept the RPMs above 1400 with the trailer attached.

    All in all - great handling ...

    But just a data point.

    Dave K
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  2. Good info, Dave. Do you know how much your loaded trailer weighs?
  3. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Hi Rick,

    Don't know exactly, but we haven't put much in it... few plates, pots, some food... pretty lightly loaded.

    Just did another trip which included 50+ miles on gravel roads in the mountains.. and still was getting 33 mph.

    Dave K
  4. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    My 560, fully loaded and wet weighs right around 1650lbs. But that was before the new batteries (so add another 60lbs). At least, that was what it weighed packed for a 2 week trip and doesn't include things in the car. Just to give a reference point.
  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    What does the 560 weigh empty?
  6. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Offically (in the manual)....

    Jetta with Gas engine and Manual - good for 2000
    Jetta with Diesel and Manual or Jetta with Gas and automatic is 1000 pounds.

    My "experience" - no problem with around 1400-1500 pounds.

    European specs for this are around 1650 pounds....

    Dave K
  7. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    My paperwork said 1501lbs.
  8. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    A 560 should weigh around 1200-1300lb empty depending on options. The paperwork empty weight is something Holly comes up with using a estimator chart she has and is far from correct.

  9. Dave - thank you for your detailed posts. This is very helpful. I will be taking delivery of a 560 in March. I have two existing tow vehicles, but each has over 140,000 miles. So I will be looking for something newer sometime. Getting such great gas mileage seems very appealing.

    One more question (I don't dare say FINAL!).

    In your adventures thus far, have you ever wished you had AWD or 4WD while towing?
  10. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    The AWD certainly helps with peace of mind, but we haven't actually used it much. On our trek to Wisconsin and back to pick up Snugglebug in the winter, the AWD light came on for the first time when we were a half mile from home.

    We have done some winter camping since then - so I'm sure it helps when driving on snow. It's just that you probably notice is most when you don't have it and wish you did.
  11. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger

    Hi Rick,

    Not yet... but I can imagine it will happen - lots of trailers have been pulled over the years with rear wheel drive where the tongue weight adds some traction... but with front wheel only ...there will be uphills in mud or snow.. that might require me to chain up - where the AWD guys will just go.

    That said... I've done lots of dirt and gravel already and no problems. I thought long and hard about it and went for the mileage... I keep my cars like you do... 140K/150K miles and if you do the numbers for the life of the car.... the difference between 3000 gallons and 5000 or 6000 gallons is a good bit of money...

    Glad your on the list - you won't regret it.

    Dave K
  12. mewton

    mewton Novice

    I'll back Dave and Linda up on the milage, although I only really have the data point for 75 mph, cough cough. I have had trouble with traction going up steep inclines of loose dirt and gravel, plenty of power just not enough traction. I've had to enlist some camp neighbors to push me out of one campsite and had to back out of a friends long and very steep gravel driveway. Otherwise, love the wagon.
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That a we TDI? Have they dumped timing belts in favor of timing chain yet? That's a might expensive thing to have break...
  14. Eleanor

    Eleanor Newbie

    If the Jedda TDI Diesel with manual is "officially" rated to pull 1,000 lb in the U.S. of A, (I understand that it is 1,650 in Europe, but I won't be driving there), do you void the warranty by pulling the Teardrop? In other words, if trouble related to towing crops up in the vehicle, can VW folks say, oops, can't help you, you were out of warranty?
  15. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    My uneducated opinion is yes, they would certainly use that excuse first - even for an unrelated issue. A couple years ago we had a Honda CR-V that could tow #1500. The dealer loved it, but told us not to let Honda know what we were towing - or else, they might try to void the warranty. In our case we were right at #1500 with our 560. I certainly recommend having a tow vehicle that is easily rated to tow your trailer and then some.
  16. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    In our experience new car shopping we learned that if the towing package does not come from the manufacturer or if it is something the manufacturer says the dealer can install on that type of vehicle they will try to get out of the warranty.
  17. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    When shopping for our new tow vehicle, the factory installed Tow Package was the only thing I needed it to have. It wasn't easy finding a car that had it without including a bunch of other options we didn't want or need.
  18. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    We got the Chevy Traverse it was one of the smaller tow vehicles that came with the seven pin plug for trailer brakes and charging the battery but it only came with a class 3 hitch.
  19. fernlane

    fernlane Junior Ranger

    Hi all

    Vicky and I had a really nice visit with Cary and Craig at Camp Inn last week and are eager to place an order for a 550.

    My question, however, is how to get my 2012 Jetta sportwagen TDI (manual trans) wired for towing, including electric brakes.

    Dave, have you done this successfully? I've combed the web but really haven't found any commercial option. Is this only a do-it-yourself project? I have some skills in that regard but would really like to be sure that my efforts yield the right result.

    any thoughts on this subject would sure be welcome.


    robert d
  20. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Well, I think you were asking another Dave but I will chime in. I wired my RAV4 myself. You need to deceide on a brake controller first. (tenkosha) I may have the spelling off but many including myself are very happy with this controller. Just search brake controllers. Then you need wiring including a hook up for your trailer. I used etrailer. The controller was about $125.00 and I think the wiring with relays was about $60.00. It just takes some time. You need at least two hot wires run from the back to the battery and a good ground. There are a lot of help on etrailer and others that sell this equipment. Hope this helps. Dave W
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