2013 - Alaska or bust!

Discussion in 'Adventures & Excursions' started by rushthecat, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    It may be a little early for me to start this ball rolling (since we don't get Crab Pot until Sept) but Carol and I are finally going to make our dream trip to Alaska next summer. I've seen so many post where y'all are keeping track of each other and meeting here and there that I thought it might be a good idea to creat an Alaskan Rolling Gathering next summer. We're planning on a few weeks or more if it works out so there will be plenty of chances to hop on and off the Gathering. Anyway, I'll open this post and we can use it to plan together if anyone is interested.
  2. Anne Jones

    Anne Jones Newbie

    I would LOVE to go Alaska in 2013. I am moving to St. George, Utah in October this year so let me know when and where I can join and I'm going to try my best to get on the Alaska Camp Inn Trek.

  3. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Mike: Bob has been talking a trip to Alaska for years. Maybe 2013 will be the year! Are you timing your "Crab Pot" pick-up around the CI-CO the end of September? If so, we could plan to talk about it. Maybe the experienced Alaska-travelers could share their experiences.

  4. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    Yes, most likely we could go. I am sure we will get pleanty of time to get familiar with our new unit by the time the caravan is ready to roll. Since we will be coming from all over the country I suppose someone who has been there before will have some suggestions. Living on the West Coast we could go up to Vancouver, B.C. then a ferry to Alaska. I know there are several routes. Dave
  5. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice


    I completely agree! Had a chance a few years ago to explore some of those desert roads in Silver Reef. Even with a two wheel drive rental car we were able to get to some remote and beautiful country. Love the St. George area.
  6. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    Mike & Carol that is a great idea. Alaska has been a dream trip for us also,for a very long time.We would love to help you plan a trip to a Alaska and who knows it might work out for us.It should be fun and exciting. Now you have to get Jenn & Joan interested they are the expert travelers.Steve :)
  7. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Kathy, yes we will be at the CICO. As a matter of fact, we pick up Crab Pot on Fri and go directly to the CICO. By the time we spend the weekend planning this trip, we should have a good idea what's involved in planning something like this.
  8. Anne Jones

    Anne Jones Newbie

    Thanks for the camping tips for Utah. I have been so busy sorting and selling stuff so we can move no time for camping. After living at the same address since 1951 parents and grandparents had quite an accumulation of "stuff" that had to go. Now down to the house stuff and final packing. Maybe in November I can make a trip somewhere this year. Just keep me informed as to the Alaska plans. I'll start stocking up on bug spray.

    Silverstreaker :D
  9. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I'm interested in AK, keep me on the list or make a new thread for sign ups?? kewl, I can put it on the list...
  10. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    I'm trying to "volunteer" Carol to head this up but I think it'll have to a collaboration between all of us. We have friends who are doing a 2 month Airstream caravan up there right now. Their trip reports are very detailed so Carol is starting to map their route, stops, campgrounds, sights, etc. We're also keeping track of Jim and Mary Anne's current trip. And I'm sure there are a few folks on the Forum who have been there in a teardrop who can provide some guidance. Lots of good stuff out there to build on. So we'll reset after the CI CO and see where we go from there.
  11. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    You might want to also check out the link on the Camp-Inn website to the Alaska trip my parents took in a teardrop. It's a bit dated...they went in 2003, but still gives some good insights. You will get a good chuckle when you read about the price of gas.


    There have been other teardrop owners who have made the journey, as well. Check out the T&TTT and the Tearjerkers forum for their stories.

  12. Lh303

    Lh303 Novice

    Speaking of bug spray you will need it in not only Alaska but also in Utah if you go in the spring and early summer. Southern Utah is home to a no-seeum called the Cedar Gnat, It is a very tiny insect that has mandibles that it uses to saw a hole in your exposed skin or scalp, it then spits an anticoagulant into this tiny jagged hole. It will feel like you have been kicked by a mule. Living in New Mexico I had never run into them until last spring when we took a 10 day trip into the Grand Escalante Staircase area. From now on we will confine our Utah trips to the fall when they are non-existant. Like the mosquito only the female bites due to the fact she needs a blood meal prior to laying her eggs, but while the mosquito has a proboscus kind of like a needle, this bug rips into the skin, and the welts itch for about 10 days after the bite. My legs looked like I had been hit by shotgun pellets other than that, Southern Utah is one of the most beautiful places in the Southwest. We shall return, but in the fall.
  13. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Cedar gnat, eh? I will not forget to avoid that area in the spring & summer - thanks
  14. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    So, when is the best time to go to Alaska? End of July, early August?
  15. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Heheh.. Summer... BKTs... (Bugs, Kids, Traffic)...
    Alaska, I hear, can get a little "Buggy" where small pets and kids can be carried away, off into the sunset (movie In-Laws)..
  16. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    I've been watching Ice Road Truckers and they don't seem to any problems with Skeeters.....But I think late summer might be better, like late Jul, Aug and into Sept. Give the highway dept time to get the roads fixed from the IRT damage! We have friends up there on an Airstream caravan that goes from July 12th to Sept 12th so we'll get a good idea from them what it's like in Sept.
  17. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    My parents were gone for the month of August & said bugs weren't a problem at the places they went.

    One thing to keep in mind is that some of the businesses/attractions are only open from Memorial to Labor Day.

    On a separate note, one suggestion of something to take along is a copy of the Milepost. It will answer just about any question you have about traveling in Alaska & includes lots of good info on roads, ferries, attractions, border crossings, fuel, services, lodging, sightseeing, weather, things to be aware of - you name it! It isn't cheap but is well worth the $$$.

    I don't think there is a question it doesn't answer about traveling to/around Alaska! :)

    Here is their online site:


    It also includes today's high & low prices on fuel in Alaska, BC & Alberta.

  18. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    Ok fellow travelers, now that the CICO is behind us we can start planning for next summer's Alaska rolling gathering (can you roll and gather at the same time!!??) I want to go up through the Canadian Rockies and then down into Alsaka. The real planning for me will be to book the Marine Highway ferries for the trip out of Alaska. I called them and they suggested reservation be made by Jan or Feb. Has anyone taken the ferry down the inside passage and can you give any tips? I'd like to make reservations so I can drive off and on at the various ports and spend some real time in Skagway, Juneau, Ketchikan, etc. Of course I'll need to book campgrounds at these stops so this is sounding complicated and I'm sure will need to be done ASAP.
  19. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I was just looking into the Ferry, driving and cruising... checked the milepost site, whoa.. a lot of info there...

    Ferry's, while you can stay on the deck (as noted, can't in the trailers) or get a bunk bed room for 2 apx $1500? but then the trailer on top of that

    Car or R.V. over 21' $67.20 per Foot
    I figure mine is apx 29' rounded so looking at $1948.. plus bunk room (single)$1500 = $3450 not to mention food etc.
    sigh, a little pricey..

    I was planning on driving up then ferry back, but will now just drive up and back and maybe do the "Top of the World" tour..

    I want to dip my toe into the Arctic and thought maybe driving up the Inuvik and fly up to the water...

    dunno, just thinking out loud, but sign me up for the caravan.. I'm ready after June 10th or so...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  20. rushthecat

    rushthecat Novice

    I agree the ferry is pricey but I'm comparing it to cruise costs and the difference can be "justified" (maybe) because we can spend more time at the stops along the way. You can't do that on a cruise ship. However, I don't know if it's worth 2 or 3 days at Ketchican, Juneau, etc. I will continue my research into what's available at the stops. I'll need to decide by Dec so I can book everything.
    Now you have given me an idea. Maybe just ferry down from Haines or Skagway w/o Crab Pot, hit the main cities of Juneau and Ketchican on foot, maybe a night or two at hotels, then back track to Crab Pot and drive out.........
    All of this is just thinking out loud for now.

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