Sticky lock on galley

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Evan, Apr 2, 2010.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    One of the very few problems I have with our new 560 is getting the key to go into the galley hatch lock. My wife can't do it anymore, and I'm always afraid I'm gonna break it off when I do it. The cabin door locks are easier but still not that great.

    Is anybody else having similar problems?
  2. bherbig

    bherbig Novice

    So far we have had no problem with our locks on our 560. We did have a little issue with one of the door latches where it was hard to get the lock to work on the inside of one of the doors but after a little wear it got better.
  3. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I noticed the same. I added a drop of oil and that cleared it up, for a period of time. I assume the angle of the lock may be the culprit. Weather can get in easier. I thought there may be a more weather resistant lub out there. Here is where Cary could step in.
    I have used a multitude of lubricants on the job. I thought I would likely stumble across one, once I put some effort into it. Although, Cary could shorten the search. Steve

    I just read Bruce's post. Could the lock have changed? Evan and I are only a few units apart in production dates. Bruce is a couple of years older....Just food for thought....
  4. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    Evan, Update on my galley lock. I just lubed my lock.(It is a beautiful cloudless 60 deg.sunrise, in Tennessee) It seems the major hangup is the, for no better term, sliding door that conceals the lock channel. Once I sprayed just the smallest amount of lub, the lock worked bunches better. Once the sliding door opens the key inserts well. I did add some to the key and work it in. I don't know how often this will need to be done. Steve
  5. Alan Hill

    Alan Hill Novice

    I have found that in the course of traveling you can't help but get rain and grit in the lock cylinders. Get a small can of WD 40 with the "straw" that comes with it. Just push the straw applicator into the key slot and just a quick shot of the WD40 will have it working perfectly. It's a campers berst friend.
    Also you may notice that the same road grit will get into the piano hinges on the doors and you can hear the grit when opening and closing the door. When washing the camper, spray down through the hinge top to bottom to flush out the grit.
  6. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    One word of advice if maybe using the trailer in very cold conditions. Don't use Wd-40 in that case, use a silicone lube. That is a common winter problem on cars in WI we see. People spray their door locks with wD-40 then in the winter their locks freeze up.

    We prelube the locks with a silicone lube, that is what we recommend. We have found that if running in a bunch of rain the locks will get very very sticky. If we didn't prelube them it would happen right away. All the locks actually, not just the hatch. I think Steve may be correct and it is actually the little cover door that is hanging up. Either way, a simple shot of silicone lube gets them working right away.

  7. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Cary, thanks. I had considered WD-40 but was afraid to try first because it can end up attracting dirt. We probably don't have same freezing problems here in the NW. Where do you get silicone lube? (I've never used it)
  8. abccampinn

    abccampinn Novice

    Hi Evan,
    You should be able to get silicone lube at your local hardware store. I'm sure there are other places as well, perhaps an auto parts store.
  9. Kent Kanipe

    Kent Kanipe Novice

    Evan, I got some stuff from our locksmith called Tri-Flow. It is wonderful stuff for locks and far superior to WD-40 or any other product I have tried. It really did transform all my locks.

  10. WD-40 works wonders. Go on the WD-40 website for more uses of the stuff. You will be surprised.

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