Itinerary 2nd Annual Nw Camp-inn Round Up

Discussion in 'Gatherings' started by Evan, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Stephen and Shirley - sound great. Thanks for all your hard work.
  2. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    Thanks so much for taking care of this. Once you have confirmation, let us know how you want us to reimburse you.
  3. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Looking/sounding good.

    Suggestion: Established Common Area

    Sounds like just the one fire-pit and that it would be the "Common Area' and not someone's back yard/turf. It would be nice to have it available for people to come and go as they need to just sit and talk around the fire without feeling they are 'In" someones campsite bothering them.

    Just a thought..

    Looking forward to it, let me know how to send a check/PayPal etc..

    Cozies, heheh... I like it, but?? LOL..
    I call my "Lovely Ladies" my 'Assistants"... this year..
    Next year, I'll have to call them my 'Care Givers', LOL..
    It's all in fun, like the cozies idea..
    Happy campers eh??
  4. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    I like Frank's "common area" idea
  5. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Yes, common area is good. That is kind of the whole point. :)
  6. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Shirley called the Mossyrock park office this morning (there is a daily one hour window when they can answer the phone.) Park Ranger Larry answered the phone by saying “I am processing your application now,” responding to an earlier phone message. So…we have confirmation that the site is reserved for us for Memorial Day weekend.

    The event committee will work out the details and will provide a follow-up communication. If you have suggestions, please let us know. I am thinking of an outing to St. Helens. There is also Mount Adams to explore. As to food, we probably need to give this some more thought.

    We seem to have at a core group of a 6 to 7 trailers with another 3 to 4 who have expressed interest. We can expand up to 20 units and am wondering at if we should to advertise this any further than the Camp-Inn Forum. Perhaps put something in the T&TTT forum? If Bear will do us the honor of attending, since I owe him for a whole day of his time giving me a camping 101 orientation, I will cover his share of the costs. Perhaps he can be convinced to provide some live Bear Wisdom. We have only paid for 1/3 of the costs of the site and until we get a better count, please keep your dollars in your wallet.

    The group site appealed to me because it would lend itself to a “gathering” as opposed to individually designated sites or a parking lot arrangement. The nature of the site dictates that the arrangement of trailers and vehicles will be pretty free form. The site has a few trees and is is not perfectly level; in fact, parts of it are pretty bumpy—the bumpiness may present a challenge as we arrange trailers, but it will not be an insurmountable challenge.

    Common areas: There are two locations that lend themselves to group gatherings. One is the fire ring, which is at the end of one of the two gravel areas leading into the site, and is surrounded by a grassy area; the other is the grassy area closest to the lake. This being a group site, it is clear that the fire ring was designed to be a group area. Although we may be able to site trailers fairly close to the fire ring it would be impossible for anyone to monopolize it.

    If anyone has questions about the site or the facilities, let me know.

    Stephen and Shirley
  7. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Hi Stephen and Shirley-

    Thanks so much for the update and reserving the camp for us. You guys have taken care of the hard part...securing the location!

    Last year, we kept it to just Camp-inn folks for this gathering (i.e. people who are either on the forum (trailers, tents, etc were all welcome), or Camp-inn people who are not on our forum were advised and made plans). This was pretty fun to have all of the camp-inn trailers in a group. People parked where they wanted, but all in a general area. Those of us with younger kids parked closer to each other, while folks with no kids tended to park a bit further away (no offense was taken, as we know we can be a little louder than others, but try to be respectful). Evan was especially good at keeping the kids busy cleaning up our area, and Frank brought a fun science experiment for everyone to enjoy one night (soda and mentos!).

    We didn't plan day trips as a group, just said each night around 5-5:30 (or earlier, if folks felt inclined) we would gather round the fire and have drinks and everyone bring something nibbly to share with the group (folks brought their own beverages, although some brought some amazing bevvies to share...I am thinking Mudslides and sangria as well as Franks marvelous mixing machines!). This usually resulted in leaving no room in your belly for the dinner you had planned (and to my newish obsession with Delice de Bourgogne cheese...I love cheese!). It was a nice social time to bring everyone together (and Evan and Lena were especially gracious in their Dutch oven cooking!). Days were left up to each person to plan how they wanted to. If someone was going somewhere, they might invite folks, or not, but we all just met back up at night. We kept things simple, and that worked really well, especially since some of us travel at different speeds. I am good with that still, although I do plan on taking the lad over to St. Helen's, but we will likely just hang tight around the lake and play a lot too.

    Just my 2 cents. How do others feel about that? Do they want more structure this year or more free form?
  8. fpoole

    fpoole Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Fire pit & Ape Caves.

    I have a portable wood fire pit/ring that can be moved around if a fire by the lake would work, Have had it for a year, never used, begging to be used (Assuming it's OK with Hosts). Just need help in dumping at the end of weekend. Looks like:
    Also, I haven't looked at the maps, but he Ape Caves are kewl to see.. My pics of the Underground lava tubes.


    Mt St Helen's Website HERE

    Nothing planned on this end except to explore around the area.
  9. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Sounds great, slummy. Good work. We certainly won't turn someone away that shows up with something besides a Camp-Inn but I don't think we need to officially advertise anywhere else. Things could get to big to handle really quickly.

    As far as activities, I agree with Sarah. Simple is great. Just because you are head of the 'committee' doesn't mean you need to have big plans to keep us all entertained. :)
    Finding the site was the hardest part. You can take a break now.

    About money: if you need it now, I can certainly send you an advance. Or you could do what we did last year - wait until we know how many trailers actually show, and then give everyone a number. I think it ended up being somewhere around $30 or $35 each last year, and everyone was really good about forking up the dough - no teeth were pulled. Worked fine, and we didn't come up short.
  10. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Just a clarification, the Camp-Inn Camp-Outt is open to anyone who likes to camp, not just Camp-Inn people. Tents, motorhomes, vans, campers, trailers & any type of teardrop is welcome.

  11. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    RE: activities. We have been given the game, Catch Phrase, by friends who thought it would be good for taking to "gatherings" of teardrop campers. It's a very fun game and younger players (kids) can be teamed up with older players as necessary. The more players the more fun. We will bring it with us. Kathy
  12. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Betsey, I just meant that we didn't advertise anywhere other than the forum here (I guess I took for granted my terminology...I considered owners and wannabes all Camp-Inn people...if you are on the forum, you are a Camp-Inn person in my mind). We certainly didn't/wouldn't turn anyone away that wanted to camp, and you didn't/don't have to have a Camp-Inn...all were welcome. Hope folks didn't take that the wrong way. Sorry, if it came across that way.
  13. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff


    No need to apologize...I understood what you meant. It's just a question I am asked quite often in reference to the CICO & it's the response I always give.

    I have a saying: "You are welcome to join us if you have a teardrop, want a teardrop, want to know about a teardrop, think a teardrop is cool, or just want to find out if we really do 'sleep in that thing.' " :D

  14. AllanFran

    AllanFran Newbie

    Julia just reminded us to look at the forum -- lots going on and we haven't been visiting. We are happy to her that the second NW Round Up is scheduled. We will certainly plan to attend.
  15. KathyBob

    KathyBob Junior Ranger

    we'll look forward to meeting you. Kathy
  16. jdfreeland

    jdfreeland Newbie

    Hi Slumry --
    Jim and I have been buried in house chores and grandkids (and in one case actual snow)for months and I haven't checked the forum recently. I can't seem to follow this thread back to the actual dates for the NW 2nd annual camp in. Please post again, 'cause if we can break out (both our bodies and our camper) to join you we certainly will. We had a great time last year.
    Diana and Jim Freeland
  17. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    Hi Diana,

    Here is the latest info from Stephen and Shirley. Hope you can make it!

  18. juliatmgllc

    juliatmgllc Newbie

    I will try to make it too. Are dogs/pets allowed in the campground? Right now Toodles is in the garage full of anti-freeze and just itching to be flushed and hit the road! Not a lot of snow, but cold here in Utah this February.

  19. slumry

    slumry Novice

    Howdy Julia,

    The rules as published by the park:

    Bringing a pet?

    Your pets are part of your family, but they can sometimes get in the way of other campers. These pet rules will help avoid some common pet peeves.

    •Keep your pets under control in cages or on physical leashes no longer than eight feet. (Make sure someone is holding the other end of the leash.)
    •At night, keep them in a tent or enclosed vehicle.
    •Scoop the poop. We provide bags to make it easier for you.
    •Keep pets off the swimming beaches and the Taidnapam Park fishing bridge and out of restrooms and showers.
    •Do not leave your pets unattended.
    •You may not tie pets to trees or shrubs.
    •We will ask that barking dogs be removed from the parks.
    •Please do not feed the wildlife.
    •Bringing livestock into the parks is not permitted.

    I will emphasis that we are in pretty private part of the park with lots of room and that the park people seem pretty relaxed. I cannot guarantee that they will not be a stickler for the rules but I would doubt it.

    If you come be prepared for a lot of green, it will be pretty lush and might be a shock if coming from an arid location. Also, bring a mole mallet for Wac-A-Mole.

  20. juliatmgllc

    juliatmgllc Newbie

    Thanks. Restrictions seem pretty standard with other parks. Don't know if my good old dog will join me, but nice to know she can.


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