Embarrassed or Proud

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bazza2154, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    Annie the other half hates the lookers, I on the other hand welcome anybody who wants to come over inquire, have a chat or a look inside.

    She hates pulling up at traffic signals where there are two lanes and shrinks into her seat where I sit up proud and puff my chest out.

    I said to Annie its no different to owning a Porsche or a Ferrari we brought the premium Rolls Royce of Teardrops so people are going to look and stare.

    We have also come to the conclusion that if you look at a looker (this is somebody passing by) in 75% of the cases they will come over. If you avoid the glance you have a good chance of not conducting another Camp Inn tour.

    I have also come to the conclusion that the Camp Inn is a Babe magnet especially pregnant women I had three just this weekend who are obviously fed up sleeping on the floor in their condition.

    On a funny note coming back from this weekends trip we fancied an ice cream and there is a great little spot in our village centered around an old railway museum and tourist information location so I suggested we go there. Annie was horrified when I pulled in as it was packed with cars and people sitting on the picnic benches and she got jumped on by a woman as soon as she got out the car.

    I Love it
  2. Steve & Ellen

    Steve & Ellen Novice

    I have also noticed the "babe magnet" thing. It seems there some who walk in the campground early without intending to talk to anybody.....but the teardrop is to much of an allure. Well I have had some women attempt to pull this up or pull that down as they attempt to remain modest as they look over the TD. They have actually apologized for their attire but they just couldn't help but come over. Hey George, could it be me? LOL!!!!
  3. Oysterpot

    Oysterpot Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, I think thats it Steve. I can't be the CI.

    Now really!

    I think you need to get out and camp.....
  4. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    I had a fellow camper this weekend who gleefully wanted to talk to me peer in all the doors and windows while I was attempting to get the side tent up. Give me five bud and I will have all the time in the world for you but let me get it out of the box first.
  5. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice


    We drooled for 2 yrs. before we were able to get one and now that we have it we take extreme pride in showing it off. I can understand Annie's reluctance to show (as in, getting tired of showing it) but not embarrassment! But to each his own in that department.

    We have a set of identical twin girls who are now 36. When they were young and in their twin stroller we would be stopped everytime we walked into anywhere. After a while it got old because you couldn't just go shopping - we stopped traffic. But I was never EMBARRASSED for having such beautiful children - I feel the same way about "MiniMc"!
  6. Betsey

    Betsey Camp-Inn Staff

    Maybe this should be a sign we all have on the teardrop...

    And so it goes...

  7. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    This guy was funny though as we arrived quite late on the Friday Evening and went out all day Saturday. On our return he came over and told us that we were a big attraction and that Mothers fathers and there kids had all been looking at our trailer and that we should charge a tour fee.

    Everyone that came over to us after that we heard him shout out five dollars so perhaps we should put out a sign saying five dollars for a tour when we want peace and quite.

    We had two ladies come up to us and there opening statement was we have heard all about you so we came for a look.

    Future planning is to not pick a site on a direct path to the bath house
  8. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Great point Barry/Annie! I'll have to remember that!
  9. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    Jim and I don't have our teardrop yet and you guys are making us a bit nervous with all this talk of guided tours. It sounds as if buying a CI is more of a career choice rather than a cute little get-away retreat. Though we must confess to being part of the looky-loo crowd.

    The only CI teardrop we have seen first hand was on the first leg of a hiking trip around Mt. Lassen. We were headed for the acid lake by Drakesbad when we spied the little darling at the camp host's spot. The owner, Steve, was more than happy to give us the grand tour. I was having kittens when he opened the door to show us the interior. The bed wasn't made and I just knew his wife would have a fit when she found out....heaven knows I would. Of course Steve and my husband, Jim, didn't give a hoot, but that's men for you.

    So what's the moral of this story? Darn sure I'll keep it clean inside for unexpected guests!

    And wouldn't ten dollars be better than five as a tour fee....?

    Jim and Sue
  10. Matt Rogers

    Matt Rogers Novice

    It's guaranteed, every weekend you camp, someone (usually boozed up) will wander over and ask for a tour. It's fun sometimes, but I get annoyed at rest stops and gas stations.
  11. eileenpaine

    eileenpaine Novice

    Jim and Sue,
    DRAKESBAD -be still my heart! I grew up in Red Bluff and spent my summers hiking/camping the Lassen environs, back in the days when parents would give a 16 yr girl the car keys and say be back by Sunday.....

    Our Last trip to Morro Bay, we had not 1 tour -we kinda felt like we had stepped in something foul, because everyone ignored us.
    But then, that just made up for the time we camped a few sites down from a very visible/social Little Guy teardrop, who sent everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE to see a "real" teardrop..

    Just keep few brochures handy to pass out so you can skedaddle. Oh, and don't stop for gas in Mojave - it wasn't pretty......
  12. Ladymc

    Ladymc Novice

    Sue - chances of ever seeing the "looky loos" again in your lifetime are slim to none, so why be embarrassed? Everybody has unmade beds!
  13. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    Ah, Mojave. Such fond memories......

    We were passing through on our way from Death Valley and had to stop for the night (we were unaware there were no motels or hotels or anything between DV and Mojave along the route we took!). Found a stop and drop motel on the one and only main road-next to the railroad tracks- and it was here that my beloved husband decided to treat me to a special dinner for my birthday (it would fall on the night we hit Mojave). So he waltzed me over to Denny's next door and told me to order anything I wanted.....FROM THE SENIOR MENU! Yes, I had just turned 55. We laughed so hard we could hardly eat. The waitress thought something was very wrong with us-until we explained what was going on. She thought it was pretty funny too.

    Jim said I shouldn't hold it against him.....after all, we got a free ice cream out of it.

    The stinker.

    And I agree with you on your comment. Mojave: it isn't pretty.

    But they have good ice cream at Denny's.

    .....And that bed in the TD will stay made, just in case.

    Sue and Jim
  14. kakgreen

    kakgreen Newbie

    Hey... this was our generous tour guide too! @ Teddy Roosevelt NP in North Dakota. The bed wasn't made then and the dishes weren't done either... we were still sold on the CI instantly.

    Travel advice if you don't want to give tours: Pull in after midnight, leave before dawn and try to travel mostly at night.
  15. Bazza2154

    Bazza2154 Novice

    That's the bit I love the look on there face and the comments that come out when they finally see inside the cabin or the galley pure amazement.
  16. mewton

    mewton Novice

    Hold on just a minute here, you mean to tell me we are supposed to make the bed while we are on vacation, and camping yet! I'll tell my wife but I don't think it will go over well. I just give an obligatory "you'll have to excuse the mess" every time I go to open the door on a tour, doesn't bother me and I don't think it bothers my wife. Well, at least not enough to make her make the bed every morning and after every nap. :D It's a good thing she doesn't read this forum. :cool:
  17. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger


    When we're camping, do I straighten out the sleeping bags and tidy up the tent every morning? Oh heck no! Why? Because we're supposedly on vacation and I want some time off after all the cooking, cleaning (can't leave stuff out-bears, you know) and stuff like that there. Besides, no one asks for a tour of your dusty 20 year old tent.

    It would have been the same for the trailer. Heck, I could always just draw the curtains. However, if there is a chance someone might stop by and peek in, it has be at least semi-tidy. Besides, it only takes a few seconds to tug up a couple of blankets. We're not talking Marine dress corners and decorator pillows here. I am a bit O/C.....but not that bad.

    That's just the way I was raised, kids and the scars run deep.....

    Pray for me.

  18. AnnaSteve

    AnnaSteve Novice

    We love to show our Camp Inn no matter what it looks like on the inside,and they all say you sleep in there.Steve :)
  19. Ahoy Mates!

    Ahoy Mates! Novice

    We never avoid an opportunity to show off our CI be it in a campground or roadside rest or gas station. We recently got a call from a nice young couple asking if we could show ours and of course we did. This week we camped 3 nights in Mohican State Park in Ohio Amish country. We were watching the last embers die down thinking of turning in for the night when we heard a voice from the dark say "I like your teardrop". I responded "we love it, would you like a closer look?" He did and liked the wood work and space inside. We talked a while and said "bring the family around tomorrow and you can get a better look". They all loved it. I never tire of showing the quality of the CI!

    P.S. I was washing JoyAhoy in the driveway after we got back from Mohican SP when two 8 or 9 year olds walked by and turned and looked at the CI and one said "I like your camper!" I said "Me too." Then he said "I like your car too" (refering to the XKE in the garage). I said "thanks!" As they walked on I overheard him say to his friend "he has a sweet life"... :grin:
  20. Jim and Sue L.

    Jim and Sue L. Junior Ranger

    An XKE? Yeah, you DO have a sweet life and a sweet ride. Do you pull your CI with that baby? That would be a real head-turner.

    Jim and Sue
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