
Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by ajs777, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Mick'nSarah

    Mick'nSarah Junior Ranger

    When you talk to them find out what is covered by your car insurance coverage, and what you need as additional coverage. $460/year seems high to me. I pay around $120/year. I am with USAA, but any collision while it is attached to my car is covered by my car insurance. Can't remember what our deductibles are, but I can't imagine anything over $500 (in most cases we are lower than that). After my car insurance I have coverage for total replacement (which USAA is good about) and any theft or damage when it is parked.

    I am sure this varies state by state too, but you don't want to pay twice for something. The insurance companies certainly won't pay you twice!

    Good luck on your search!
  2. adrianneross

    adrianneross Junior Ranger Donating Member

    AsheWolf: It looks like the terms are about the same as your policy, but the premiums are almost double – that makes me think I might get a better rate if I look into coverage on my own. But this is Illinois so who knows? that might have something to do with it as well. Right now, the use is defined as: “recreational use less than 30 days/year” – that sounds pretty fair.

    Dave: I also don’t plan on traveling to Mexico – however, it’s “included” with comprehensive/collision – might be something to negotiate.

    Sarah: Good point about what's covered under the auto insurance – the "collision” portion is 1/3 of the premium price – we'll have to sit down with our agent and hash out the details. Don't know if Progressive v. Travelers will be an issue - I know you're treated better when you have all your kittens under one umbrella. He also has the purchase price a little high – he included the cost of the DC fridge which I think should be considered a "personal effect" since it's not actually attached to the camper - who knows, maybe there's a premium step-up once you go over $20,000.

    One point I should mention that I hadn’t considered until now: about a year ago, my husband’s (17-year-old) son backed into a parked car while he was “guest” driving my car – we didn’t file a claim for the damages to my car, but naturally the other owner did. I’m not sure how that will affect my step-son when he tries to get auto insurance, but I was told that we were probably going to see a premium increase at the next billing cycle. We couldn’t use accident forgiveness because he wasn’t listed as a household resident on our policy (he lives with his mother, but I doubt he’s listed on her policy, either). These higher premiums may reflect that accident.

    Thanks for all the feed-back. Of course, I want to make sure we have adequate/appropriate coverage, but it’s interesting to see the spectrum of policy premiums people are paying – I’d rather be somewhere cozy in the middle, rather than burning out there at the high end....
  3. GhostOrchid

    GhostOrchid Junior Ranger

    I got an online quote of $430 from Progressive for Total Loss Replacement/Purchase Price coverage with 500 deductible on a 550 Special.

    No claims in last 5 years.

    I think it may be worth it, even at that price, for the first year or two. Still looking around.

    Our regular insurer, Am Family, won't write Total Loss Replacement coverage.

    I'm leery of ACV coverage at any price for a CI. Although I think they hold value pretty well, there's just not enough of an established market to prevent the insurer from depreciating it to anything they want in the event of a total loss. The NADA guide lists a year-old 550 Special at $10,880 average retail. That's about a one-year 30% depreciation right there for our trailer
  4. Jean W

    Jean W Junior Ranger Donating Member

    I have Progressive insurance, but have a different level of coverage. There are 3 coverage levels, (as I understand) Total Loss replacement, RV coverage, and actual value packages. I have the actual value package, yearly premium is $140.
  5. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    I have State Farm for all my insurance and an actual agent I can talk too and have done business with for 20 years.

    My cost is $74.00 a year with a 250.00 ded for physical damage.

    Keep in mind I have an excellent driving records, and insure my home, rental, and umbrella all with them.

  6. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    We pay progressive $44 a quarter for actual cash value, and $500 deductible. But includes Roadside Assistance.
  7. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    Although my head is spinning from all of this dialogue, it is such great info and food for thought for us full-timers to be. As we are still debating where to establish residency, we will be looking for insurance from that state. You've given us great tips!

  8. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    We got a policy for total replacement at about $200 per year. Well worth it when you consider the cost/benefit.
  9. Chuckwagon

    Chuckwagon Junior Ranger

    Who did you insure with Jay?

  10. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Believe it is State Auto Ins. Valerie set it up after we had issues with AAA Ins.
  11. birder526

    birder526 Novice

    State farm or all state? We're starting to research insurance. Thanks!
  12. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Neither, just state auto
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2016
  13. nwhiker

    nwhiker Novice

    State Farm My cost $69.00 year $250. deductible physical damage.

    We do have several other policies with them that would make a difference. Dave
  14. lorieandkeith

    lorieandkeith Novice

    Dear Dave: I understand you posted this in 2014. I talked to my state farm agent, as our cost is $332 with a $500 deductible. I noticed Cary's earlier post on a replacement value policy, and my agent said they don't exist. I am confused. We've been with state farm for 40 years and have a good record. My card says it covers "physical damage." What is your fee now?
  15. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    Geico about 100 a year
    lorieandkeith likes this.
  16. sarmay

    sarmay Junior Ranger

    The quotes we received were in the $300-$330 range, but included "agreed value" (purchase cost), $500 deductible, trip emergency costs of $7,500, and pretty significant liability coverage. That is with good driver, umbrella, house, and multiple car. Good Sam was more, and they didn't offer replacement cost.
    lorieandkeith likes this.

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