Running A/c With Generator

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kevin Ensign, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. Kevin Ensign

    Kevin Ensign Newbie

    I found an older, 2017, post regarding this but wanted to make sure it is still "ok" as we have a 2022 560 and on our next trip we may be doing more "non" camp site stays and no shore hookup.

    We have access to a Honda generator ( I have to confirm the size ) but sounds like the minimum needs to be 1600watts if being used to start and run the air conditioning system.

    In the event it is extremely hot and wife needs it I want to be able to say we can run it.
    Van_and_Terri likes this.
  2. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    A Honda 2000 or 2200W generator will be ample to run the AC.
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    The problem is starting watts. The AC only pulls about 350-400 watts of power when it's running. Every time the compressor cycles (which is reasonably frequently on a camping trip), there is a large inflow which is where you need the larger generator. This is common with electric motors in general.

    You can minimize the cycling by putting up the side tent, and leaving that door open --- the AC will still be enough to cool the camper, and/or just crack the fan and windows. It's counter intuitive, but I find mine cools better that way.

    I have an EU2200 and it runs the AC well. I leave ecostart off, its louder and uses more fuel but it is less disrupting than the rev-up when the compressor starts. The "revup" is quite literally about 1/2 to 1 second then it drops back down to its slow speed and I find that rather annoying, and suspect it may not be ideal for the electronics on the generator itself. I'd like to ask a Honda engineer that question. But know that will have to be face to face, the phone support people are less helpful than a FAQ on the internet.

    When you say extremely hot, what are you talking about? @Cary Winch - I recall you said there was a cutoff temperature where the AC was 'inop'? I also remember thinking that if it was ever near that hot -- I'm not going to be there....
    Kevin likes this.
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Good tips!
  5. rmbrowder

    rmbrowder Junior Ranger

    I have a Honda 2000 and a 2200. The 2000 works but the 2200 is “smoother” on starts.
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Kevin Ensign

    Kevin Ensign Newbie

    Confirmed we have access Honda EU2000i.
    Sounds like it will suffice if needed.
    My wife would freeze us out if allowed. We just recently returned from early May trip in Northern MN and lows were mid 40s and she had the door open every night.
    Planning on UP Michigan this month and hoping nights get cool.
    Kevin likes this.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    The EU2000 will work fine, you will have a happier time if you turn off the ecomode. Use the ecomode when you're running things like hotplates, heaters, chargers etc. that draw a constant current. ACs are horrible in that regard.

    Opening the doors and windows is counterintuitive, and it takes some trial and error and probably a few nighttime adjustments. I really don't think I could give a golden ratio...but being in the heart of skeeters, hot & humid country -- no way would I want to be without it!
  8. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    We are presently camping at Salt Springs in Florida. Temperature was 98 yesterday and heat index was 105. The 72 degree spring was full yesterday. Today should be much quieter. Looking forward to spending some time there today. The AC in the camper is getting a good workout. Presently 70 degrees inside and humidity down to 45%. That is on a Low setting and cranked over about 3/4th.
    Kevin likes this.
  9. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    That looks like a great area to visit!
    Getting any kayaking in?
  10. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    No kayaking this trip. We did make 3 trips to the 72degree water in the spring. Just pulled the steaks off the grill! Nothing like a cold Cayman Jack when it’s hot.
    Kevin likes this.
  11. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    I was just thinking about this problem of running our window AC units with a soft start controller on a generator and came across this YouTube video of someone using a 1000 watt generator to start and run his AC using a new plug in soft start controller. Has anyone tried one of these things. The company that makes them is listed below the video.
    Randy, rmbrowder, Sweeney and 4 others like this.
  12. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Oh, take my money :) I'd love to see it on a EU2200 since that's what I have --- if it runs on echo and kills the 'burp'...definitely, take my money.
    Kevin likes this.
  13. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    I will let you know. I just pulled the trigger on one. They say it will be here on Wednesday. I too have the EU2200.
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
  14. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    I hate to keep everyone in suspense, but I receive the Active Start yesterday and tried it out and there seemed to be a software problem with it. In the Settings Menu there is a way to program the softstart activation amperes. The default is 25 amps which is way to high for our 5000btu AC units and when I tried to program it to the minimum of 7 amps, it kept reverting back to 25 amps. I called Active Start and there was no problem with returning it. Originally I ordered the 20 amp ACS20PIM inverter model because the website said it worked with small generators too, but looking at the app, compared to the ACS20P, the inverter model software isn't quite as customizable for using a generator. As soon as the P.O. opens tomorrow I'll send it back for one of the ACS20P Active Starts. To be continued...
    dustinp, Kevin and Van_and_Terri like this.
  15. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    Just thinking about the Active Start, I don't think that it will be able to stop the burp in Eco Mode. It looks like the Active Start will take at least 840 watts to activate it, and that will be more than our generators can put out while in Eco Mode. On the website it says that you can't use Eco Mode with the Active Start. I was thinking about calling Thomas, the owner/engineer and see if he could reprogram these things to a lower level of around 4 amps, just for smaller AC units. I think that they are designed for the typical RV AC unit of around 13-15k btu.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    Sweeney and Kevin like this.
  16. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thanks for all the research on this, Mark.
  17. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    Okay, it didn't work to stop the burp, but they are going to send me the ACS20PT Power Tools model to try out. The other problem that I thought was a software problem turned out to be a problem with my iPhone 8, Programing the softstart level worked just fine with a newer phone.
    Kevin, dustinp and Van_and_Terri like this.
  18. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Thats kind of a bummer. let us know how the ACS20PT works.

    I was about to pull the trigger myself...Tell him he has at least 2 sold on day 1. I want my ecomode for it quietness. the burp steals my calm.

    I really don't care aobut software, something like this is perfect as a device you simply plug in and it works....
    Kevin likes this.
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    +1. This is worth it if the genny runs quiet after start of AC. I have one of the older Yamaha EF2000iS.
    What is the power requirement of the AC unit again?
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2024
  20. Mark Trammell

    Mark Trammell Newbie

    On mine the power level goes as high as 515 watts when running. I don't know what the inrush starting power is. My Honda EU2200i stays at the same RPM after the AC starts, but you can hear the increased load on the motor. Just to measure the inrush starting power, I would have to go buy a new meter for close to, or over $100.00 for just the one time use. Not gonna happen. Just guessing it could be as high as 2000 watts, which is why it kills the 1000 watt generators on startup. With a 2000 watt inverter generator or smaller it could be possible to start the AC with Eco Mode turned off, and then turn it on after it starts, to run at a lower speed as long as the compressor doesn't cycle off/on. Some on this forum run the AC with the windows open and the vent fan running, maybe just to stop the compressor from cycling. I replaced the FanTastic Vent fan on mine with the MaxxFan because it can run much slower and quieter, also you don't have to close it when it rains.
    Van_and_Terri likes this.

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