A Circular Saw At 6:22 Am

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Warren Mary Ellen, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. We were up already getting breakfast ready on a quiet morning when the stillness of the morning was broken at 6:22 am by a circular saw at the campsite across the ravine. If you read yesterday about the squirrel people, you might have guessed it was the same people and you are correct. Everyone in the campground is awake now as the guy cuts his firewood with this circular saw. A lot of people with confused looks on their faces stumbling & muttering to the bathhouse at an hour most had not planned to be up for. I can now mark off circular saw in the dawn hour at a campground off my Camping Bingo card.
    Ken & Peggy and Kevin like this.
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Where's the camp host? Sounds like a conversation with them may be in order. I'll bet they are listening to hip-hop infused country music aren't they. Loudly. While playing corn-hole world championship series, sponsored by bud and jager...
  3. The campground hosts are in big campers & with AC running, probably didn’t hear it. The one on my loop is farther away too. I think the campground hosts mainly keep the bathrooms clean & check the sites after you’ve left. If they heard a problem or someone reported something they’d take care of it.

    If I were king, campground hosts and/or rangers would come to your site to go over everything with you on first day. And I think they ought to come by on foot each day too to make sure everything is ok. Driving through in a truck/golf cart/Gator means they just drive through. I’m at Sadlers Creek SP & it’s run well and the head ranger is a former student of mine.
    Kevin likes this.
  4. Vince G

    Vince G Novice

    In some state parks we have had the park ranger greet us and ensure all was ok. Some pa park camp host have but most did not.
    Kevin likes this.
  5. We had a campground host in Bryce Canyon who was a former Camp Inn owner. He was full timing & had an Airstream then. He was a good campground host.

    In Yellowstone at one of the big campgrounds in 2016, I had to get the campground host to get the people across the road to quit fighting over a pistol. They had too many Fireball shots I believe.
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I volunteered in a state park for months camped in a teardrop. I got to know the Rangers and they all liked checking campers in because they got to meet everyone. It was important because they got to where they could predict who was going to be the problem at 2 am just by how they checked-in. On average in the summer someone was handcuffed and arrested about once a week.

    I volunteered there for more than ten years and got to know a lot of the campers. It’s the same people coming the same week year after year. At least that was the way it was at Lake Chelan State Park.
    Kevin and Warren Mary Ellen like this.

  7. Yeah, the teacher & school administrator in me wants to see everyone & for everyone to know where the stand. Rule breakers will search out places where they can do what they want.
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