Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Yes, we are starting our last week in AZ, and are hoping the new foot of snow that has fallen at our MN home is melted by the time we get back... but getting a chance to use the snow blower once this season wouldn't be the worst thing either ;)

    Attached Files:

    Kevin and Chuckwagon like this.
  2. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

  3. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It’s 17F with clear blue skies as I sip my morning cup of Java. I’m so ready for spring to get here so I can start on my 30x50’ garage.
    dustinp likes this.
  4. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Oh boy, a new toy box...nice!
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  5. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Reminded me when I finished building my airplane hangar at a private airport and my wife figured out that it was larger than our home!
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Hate to rub it in...but 36 outside, with Meijers "Michigan Cherry" in my cup. I'm on cup #2, both made with an Aeropress - this cup a little bitter. Not sure what I did differently. But it's not terrible, and it's warm, which is nice.

    The Gazelle G6 tent setup was uneventful last night, though it took a bit longer that it should have due to forgotten methods. Setting one of these up wrong is MADDENING. Doing so results in the need to disassemble and start over. No thank you!

    With the CI backed into the 1 "open" side. The alternate entry door isn't bad, but is something I would not recommend if you have balance issues. Inside, the big buddy floating between medium and high heat. I have the Gazelle interior at 53. The most significant heat loss is 1 screen that I have open for light (1/4 of 1 of the 6 sides) and from under and around the trailer. Better shoes (croks are not great insulators -- my feet are cold). Its cloudy, hopefully the sun breaks out as it is predicted too. That will make a HUGE difference.

    I've used the CI in much colder temperatures (down in the low 20's) and did just fine. The furnace and a warm blanket is more than enough. This however is my first attempt at an extended stay in a single spot. As long as I have propane, I can see this being quite doable as long as it isn't raining or snowing. The lack of a shower house/bathroom is the only really unpleasantness but there are ways to deal with that as well.

    View attachment upload_2024-3-28_11-38-59.png
  7. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    My house is a small 1,750 sf and the garage will be 1,500. The old garage which I will keep is 24x30 so together both will be bigger.

    I miss my previous 3,450 sf home. When my wife passed away I downsized.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    We are just a couple weeks away from our first post-retirement extended camping, in Utah national and state parks. Using the Big Buddy under the Kelty Backroads awning off the hatch, it will be a smaller party than your Gazelle, which looks great!

    The gas grill’s backup 20-lb. propane tank is full, and will replace the stock 11-lb. tank on the tongue, hopefully we won’t have to refill!
    Tour 931, dustinp and Ken & Peggy like this.
  9. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    You're in for a real treat! They are some of the most beautiful parks we've experienced. Have a safe enjoyable trip.
    dustinp, SethB and Tour 931 like this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Oh, I had no idea! I'm so sorry! Thats a loss I can not imagine, nor do I want too. I've gone on a few one to two night expeditions, and I'm missing my best friend. Some one to play Uno or Mexican Train dominos with, and to drive crazy as I'm worrying about tomorrow :D or week.

    My house is around 1680 square foot if memory serves -- its about right, BUT I do miss having a basement. That big empty space that I can stack up 5 gallon buckets full of supplies, shelves for tools, and in general make a mess. The closet space in my current home is far less than I need for "bulk storage"

    its strange though -- and I've thought about this a lot. I use my bedroom, bathroom, and my TV room. I don't need the office so much any more. But really except for the storage of 'preps' and a workbench to do engine repair, 3d printing and design, I don't need much. BUT, I do need a big (secure) barn with empty space for buckets, pallet storage (wood pellets) and a bank of shelves for tools.

    I'd guess a 30x50 would be HUGELY more than enough...

    For me, this is not retirement, its goofing off between jobs. I figure my wife will KILL me if I stayed home, and I was battling a fit of depression. I need to get away. I need to get some reservations for post eclipse...maybe I'll work on that tomorrow after I pull down the Gazelle...

    Speaking of which, the Gazelle works pretty good except I can't see the trees with the sides pulled down. If the temps were in the 50's it would be awesome! I could open it up. But at 30 I want to minimize airflow, and the sides do that. Definately will extend my shoulder season if I get the opportunity to do this again...meaning retirement.

    I really >want< that 10 acres to build out a private hide-a-way. I don't know if it will happen...but I'm sure going to try.
    dustinp and Kevin like this.
  11. Please let all that be gone when i come to pick mine up in two weeks
    Kevin, Sweeney and Tour 931 like this.
  12. Carl U

    Carl U Junior Ranger

    Will be in Utah in September looking forward to it. Planning going to Juniper Campground then the Nebo loop drive to Cottonwood campground. Then to Brian Head Point Supreme campground to Zion Watchman camping. On the way back after the North Rim and Page AZ will be going to Kodachrome state park visiting Bryce then from there it's off to Moab and Arches.
    SethB, dustinp and Ken & Peggy like this.
  13. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    You would think, but it's surprising how quickly all available space tends to get filled. I built a 30x50 a few years before building the plane, but after 8.5 years of building it was stuffed to the gills. A short period of space available after the plane went to the airport, but that was short lived too. Tools accumulate, Bobcat & accessories, JD diesel"compact" tractor & attachments, it all adds up, pretty soon your looking for more space.
    Sweeney likes this.
  14. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’m already planning another building. It may have just a gravel floor, no insulation, no doors and no electricity. Just something to park a tractor and other farm equipment and keep it out of 90% of the winter conditions and summer sun.
    Sweeney and dustinp like this.
  15. Chuckwagon

    Chuckwagon Junior Ranger

    Beautiful lake!
    dustinp likes this.
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    This time of year things change….fast. Looks like week of 8th has lots of rain, which in your case is good….wash the salt off the roads! That’s one thing I try to avoid at all costs! Where you going after pickup?

    Tools, I already have a respectable set. The emergency run or order from some online retailer is rarer and rarer. There are more, but if I need those the repair is probably something I’d pay to have done…..unless I get a lift….crap, you’re right

    I made it home yesterday after another short trip. The gazelle really did work well to give some place for a heater. But, boy is it heavy to lift into the roof carrier! And not the easiest to dry out, sadly no magic bullet there. But it’s the same pretty much with all tents….which is why we have a teardrop. I am looking forward to 75 and sunny, then I just need the shade over the galley.

    rain the next few day, I think it’s garage cleaning time…not looking forward to that at all!
  17. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It’s snowing!
  18. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    But it doesn't bode well for eclipse viewing in Nashville, IN. Time will tell...
    Kevin likes this.
  19. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Wow! "In like a lamb, out like a lion"
    Its cold and rainy here, Saturday...
    Hope everyone has a blessed Easter.
  20. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    So thats where the nickname comes from!
    PS: what does "re-crowning" the axles do for ya?
    dustinp likes this.

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