Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. rmbrowder

    rmbrowder Junior Ranger

    Florida State Forest and National State Forests usually have openings.Campgrounds and Camping Reservations - Florida State Forests
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2023
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  2. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Enjoyed the video. If you go, stop in McCarthy and have a drink with Tim. (Edge of Alaska)
    Tour 931 likes this.
  3. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    Gates of the Arctic NP is VERY high on the list of regrets that we didn’t get to while we lived 2.5 years in Fairbanks! That is bonafide no kidding real Alaska adventure - it doesn’t get much more extreme than that.
    Kevin and Tour 931 like this.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Cool! I use RA for most trips --- I wonder why I wasn't seeing these come up --- probably some search criteria I put in. I'm not sure why some sites (silver springs) are on one registration system, and others are on reserve America -- that seems odd. But considering the situation of lack of availability, I little confusion looks like it is helpful :)

    First search on a random date --- and there were availabilities! Since I travel with a dog, I can't reserve it (not pet friendly) but moving a few weeks returned some fantastic looking results.

    Now I need to find a week when I can unplug and take a week...

    Yesterday it was 60 degrees at this time (Today it is 36) Opening the windows, I was treated to the "Florida smell" -- I can't tell you what it is, but it immediately takes me back to my in-law's home in Leesburg -- and that was almost 20 years ago. Pardon me ,I'm feeling a bit nostalgic all of a sudden. Those were good times.

    Last night life got to be 'too much', and I needed a break - just a change in perspective. I slipped into the garage and put myself in isolation in Serenity trying to watch some old TV show that I had "ripped" from a DVD to an MP4. Just checking the quality and ensuring the voices are synced properly. I don't think I made it to the first commercial break before I was sawing logs. I could use a week of that.

    Bottom line - I'm in the mood to start searching :D and now have a place to look!
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
    Kevin likes this.
  5. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Unfortunately Florida left reserve america. The new system is far worse and it’s been updated a couple of times and still has issues. Each State in the nation is like a kingdom onto itself and they do what they want. I agree a central reservation system would be nice, but I don’t see that happening. I’ve been using Allstays to find campgrounds, but recently noticed they went to an annual subscription. Time to look for another resource.
    Kevin likes this.
  6. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    Have a look at the AllStays web site. If I recall, they grandfathered in those of us who bought the app when it was a one-time purchase. Again, if I’m remembering correctly, previous purchasers continue to get lifetime updates.
    Kevin likes this.
  7. rmbrowder

    rmbrowder Junior Ranger

    Florida State Forests still use RA but with a special link. The RA fees are pretty high. I book mark each states reservation site in a camping folder. It would be easier if I could plan a road trip from one site, but then I like the challenge of planning.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    No issues utilizing the web. But the App is requiring a subscription. I sent AllStays an email requesting an explanation. Thanks for the info.
    SethB and Kevin like this.
  9. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Added to the bucket list!
  10. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    We have camped many times at Salt Springs. Good swimming area and we have kayaked out to Lake George and back. Several Indian Mounds along the way and a sandy beach as you approach Lake George. Lots of bears in the Ocala Forest! Make use of the bear boxes for your food at Salt Springs.
    Kevin likes this.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    RA isn't the best system either, but its not bad. I'd love to see someone with UI design experience revamp it -- little did I know, but user interface design is actually a course of study in IT. Friend of mine just got a PhD in it...of course, they'll give master's degrees out light high school diplomas these days.

    Michigan has the worst system...Florida isn't bad. I don't mind the Florida reservation system --- except for 2 things.

    1] You need to look at each loop individually, and they have too many types of sites...
    2] Too many types and the definitions are unclear...takes some figuring.
    Kevin likes this.
  12. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I bought an AWD 7-passenger Ford Transit van. And yes it has a trailer hitch!
    C71B3673-9D96-4E7C-9391-E659B7B851CC by Tour 931 posted Feb 14, 2023 at 5:35 AM
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    That looks awesome! I'm filled with envy!
    Tour 931 likes this.
  14. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
  15. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Blue skies in around 60 are forecast for today. Great day - Why does these happen on the week days?

    The song of the day is "Boat Drinks" -- while we have had a very mild winter so far, it has been just cool enough and just enough family drama to keep me in place. This happens every year about this time...I supposed that's why buffett has made a small fortune on this little diddy.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2023
  16. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    Kevin and Ken & Peggy like this.
  17. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Speaking of Jimmy Buffet, we did hit Cheeseburgers in Paradise this year - they do make a great burger.
    Tour 931 likes this.
  18. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I've been to many Buffet concerts in the past. They were enjoyable but more for the parties/shows in the parking lot than his actual "show". People really went nuts with props and craziness. OTOH, his shows were bland and boring. Close your eyes and you couldn't tell the show from a CD. Don't know what the shows are like these days.
  19. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    I flew Jimmy on a few trips in 1979 and 1980. He was a very cool guy. He would partake in a tote and them come up and breathe our O2 and then take a few more totes. I was flying a Lear 24B back then as a copilot/mechanic. The Chief Pilot let Jimmy fly the airplane a few times. You meet some interesting people flying charter. But it’s a young persons sport.
  20. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    The show before the show is a thing. Cincinnati & Indianapolis are his two largest concentrations of fans, and I lived about 10 minutes from a music center in is nus there. And like a lot of these things, they get 'worse' as they progress, trying to 'out do' the last concert. This devolved into things which should have gotten people arrested, without going into details...

    At one point in my life I would have considered myself a parrot head but not any more. I think his mid 90's though '10's were his peak. Banana wind (Skies over Cuba, the Hideen Track (Tree Top Flier)) are two of my favorite songs ever.

    The last show we went too, he was phoning it in --- which I like is what JohnC was eluding too.

    I always knew he was counter culture, but when he started taking views on contrary to my beliefs on things I hold very near and deer --- we had to part ways. BUT, I still have my collection and listen to them...

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