Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I am fairly sure I have a leak in my furnace (hot air, not exhaust) which bumps the temp up a little in the winter -- sure this will change once I replace the furnace which I hope to do in 2023. My 2023/2024 winter may have a different methodology :D

    Doing a google search, Switzerland looks like a nice stop along with Hellen.

    If I could only find some of the biers (sic) from Germany. The Microbrewery craze is fine, but the brewmasters all seem to be going for "big" flavors, and that isn't my preference. Same for California wines --- Technically very good. But in going for 'big' they lose the subtlety.

    Personally, give me an old world Eichbaum Pils.

    I digress. I love small towns and tourist traps. :D Take my money please!
    Kevin likes this.
  2. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    I had to get up early today to book a spring campground. Mission accomplished.
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  3. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Thats a pretty drive.
  4. Kevin

    Kevin Ranger

    Why replacing the furnace?
    And, with what?
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Not on trailer :) On house.

    My house was buildlin 1970's, and before I purchased it was maintained by a guy who thought he was Norm Abram, but was in reality was more like Homer Simpson.

    The furnace and AC are old. Newer furnace but he didn't replace the in-crawl plenum adapter which rusted out -- hence the heat leak. The AC is on borrowed time....It just needs to be re-done.

    Problem is, I'm stuck in between competing goals --- pay off the house...or fix what needs to be fixed. Since debt retirement is my primary goal --- things get fixed when they break.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    My crawl is actually 'nice' --- that was my first thing. We KNEW it was a problem and had it "encapsulated" with a product called "clean space" as a requirement of the sale :)

    Still need knee pads but at least its dry and the air is conditioned :D

    next up is the HVAC, then the driveway gets replaced....THEN hopefully we can start improving with things like a 3 season room or selling it anv moving some place I want to be :D
    Tour 931 and Kevin like this.
  7. Long Truong

    Long Truong Junior Ranger

    FYI Shiner has an excellent Xmas beer. Shiner Cheer might be the bext Xmas beer I have every year.
    Kevin likes this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Garbage disposal just died :) SERIOUSLY?! Fortunately, only $200 bucks if I can't get mine running again --- hoping a little gentle persuasion will fix it --- but that's tomorrows problem.

    I think I've had it. Shiner jumps into my memory when I hear it --- I've spent a good amount of time in DFW area about 10 years ago.
    Kevin likes this.
  9. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Isn’t there a street named after you in DFW.
    Kevin likes this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    It's Sweeny Trail, actually. Just outside Dallas proper in Frisco.

    This was way back when my ambition of global teardrop domination was in its infancy.
    Tour 931 likes this.
  11. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger


    NO MORE UNHEALTHY CARBS! BACK TO KETO! Except for the periodic non-beer adult beverage.


    Years ago, I weighted in a 305 pounds. I dropped down to 200 with an A1c that was 4.3 and a BP at 120/80 and kept it off for a good amount of time.

    Then the lugnuts and hitch pin was removed from the world and I fell off the wagon. OK, I kept 1 foot on the wagon. However, this thanksgiving I went crazy with pecan pie, taters, and all the 'good' stuff. ALL of my own choice, getting to spend time with my parents enjoying those family favorites.

    I woke up this morning with the worst backache I've had since I started keto in the 20-teens, generally feeling like death warmed over. One of the biggest and most noticeable improvements is nearly immediately after my initial start of keto, all my headaches, backaches, indigestion and blood chemistry immediately improved. What was I thinking?
  12. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

  13. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    OK, I think I'll get back on that KETO train too. For many of the same reasons... Started out trying to reduce the number and severity of migraines, and found that it not only helped for that but reduced joint inflammation, improved my cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and I lost just under 50# in about a year's time.
    Kevin likes this.
  14. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I found 15 of those pounds you lost.
    Ken & Peggy and Kevin like this.
  15. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I found another 20
    Tour 931 likes this.
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    50 pounds a year -- easily right?

    For the past week, its been a holiday gluttony fest - and I've allowed myself to eat all the stuff I grew up with. Pies, cakes, sauces, and mashed potatoes. My Pies are rather famous -- in my family those have been delegated to me. My coffeeshop working nieces insist mine are 'the best they ever had' --- Thanks Grandma for teaching me how to make crusts.

    After these days....My back aches. I have a migraine. I suffered through GERD for a night, and on Monday I have the headache, and the worst part is the "brain fog" is back.

    I initially heard keto in about '15 while I was at Sun & Fun in Florida. It was just me there for a week so I insisted on doing a "protein" diet -- and was going to use the week for adaption. So Low Fat, High Protein, Low Carb. I made it about 3 days before I couldn't eat anything --- not sick, just nothing had any taste, and eating became a job. Food was completely unsatisfying. I got back home, and my wife tried getting me to eat more fat -- but there was no way I was going to -- because (after all) fat makes you fat and gives you heart disease, right? The lies we've all been told? I think some of that was adaption worked. But protein food tasted awful after a few days.

    I got home and my wife made my first fat bomb and I added bacon and fatty meats to my diet and It was like a switch...suddenly food tasted good AND I had energy. 'Butter' Bob Briggs (Butter made my pants fall off) on you tube and Sarah Hallberg captured my attention.

    In 8 months, I went from 305 to 205 and had an A1C of 4.3 with a 120/80 bp in the end. My doctor was THRILLED with my bloodwork and told me, "Whatever you doing, keep it up --- everything is great!" I offered "Keto", but the word barely escaped my lips when I heard, "Oh never do that!" When I asked for a reason the only answer was "fat bad"

    This is where I realized I have somewhere between zero and low level of trust in preventative medicine. one. Coffee with cream for breakfast. Planning on a bit of a fasting day and throwing out the remnants of the past few days. I THINK I have 1 pie left, that will go to my neighbor.
  17. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Yup - definitely does. The guy I learned the most about keto from has had (ahem...) legal trouble, completely unrelated to Keto. His former podcast mate, Dr. Adam Nally - Doc Muscles, has his own podcast now (link here) now. I'm really happy to find a good source of encouragement supporting what I already know.

    Fasting isn't something I 'enjoy' per se, but once keto-adapted there's no big deal in fasting. But my typical intermittent fasting is much easier - I just limit myself to a single meal a day. I'm not fully invested in it, I know others who have gone for a week without eating. My longest has been just 3 days.

    As frightening as that is to non-keto and non-fasting people --- after your body adapts from "sugar" to "fat" -- its really no big deal. Adaption takes a week or two and after that, the importance of regular meals goes WAY down.

    The good news is -- I'm still brain-fogged but the aches are improving today. This will all take about a week or two to get back to fully keto-adapted. All worth it.

    I guess this is the "campfire" talk thread -- I hope not too off topic for some :)
    Kevin likes this.
  18. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Oh, I feel your pain, time to get on track myself. My joints are stiff and sugar to me is like crack cocaine to an addict.
    dustinp likes this.
  19. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    After starting Keto for the migraines and then reading more about how it works, it did seem counterintuitive that consuming so much fat actually could cause a person to lose body fat. But it does exactly that. And the fact that fat is the bulk of your diet while on Keto was not very easy for me to accomplish right away. I was eating too much protein. It was not an easy diet for me to get into, but after a couple weeks it became easier to follow. And like you guys have said, you pretty quickly lose your appetite for carbs.
    Typically 70-75% fat, 20% or so protein, and 5-10% max carbs if I remember right. Bacon is a Keto dream... ;)
    Tour 931 likes this.
  20. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’m busy with my snow blower this morning. It’s a typical Wisconsin winter day and is zero degrees.
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
  21. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I use the strict 20 gram rule --- gross, not net. There is a ton of debate on that topic. I take the more conservative stance most of the time. But I also don't get too excited if fiber puts me over the macro of 20 grams.

    Once I am in maintenance then I use net fiber. But that's a few months away at this point and I am sure Christmas will derail me. There are some things (Like kieflies!) and home made carmels that you just have to enjoy a little bit of. Although I will NOT overdo it like I did last week. I believe in moderation during the feast times -- I am disciplined enough to moderate.

    Interestingly --- much of my "sick" feeling last week was probably NOT diet related. Symptom I had
    • Severe headache
    • Dizziness/confusion/brain fog
    • Slight Nausea
    • fatigue
    Anyone want to guess?

    My new furnace and AC are being installed Monday. $8500 please. 3 of the 4 tubes had broken welds. I don't know how this didn't get caught during our cleaning last year. 1 I could understand but 3 failing...seems like some one dropped the ball.

    My office desk (8 hours a day full time) sits right by a warm air duct. and we had a cold snap. So I had CO poisoning. I'm glad I have a secondary heat source. 5 days without heat when the overnight temps are in the high teens would be a little cold :)
  22. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    Tour 931, Cary Winch and Sweeney like this.

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