Morning Cup Of Coffee And Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tour 931, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I've traveled for less :)

    That Iron-butt ride was back in about 99. On that iron-butt ride, we camped on 1 night during the run...but stayed at motels the reset of the trip. The person I was traveling with was older, and better financed than I was at the time. To him, the backaches weren't worth it.

    We ran from northern indiana to western south dakota, then out to wyoming on day #2. It was on that trip I was introduced to the classic motels that still had flashing neon, and owners who cared about taking care of them.

    It was darned hot - I remember thinking that "this must be what a chicken feels like in a convection oven" --- crosswinds on 80 were bad enough I was hugging the shoulder side and was being blown to and sometimes a cross the centerline. The 40 degree lean just to stay on the road. I think trip did more to improve my riding skills than any I've ever taken.

    Yikes :D
    M&L likes this.
  2. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    Classic motels are how I discovered "Googie architecture"! Didn't know it until I learned about it, but I'm a huge fan and a complete sucker for the Googie designs.

    The wind on I-80 is no joke. I've seen SO many big rigs knocked over through the years, especially on I-80 in eastern Wyoming and western Nebraska.
  3. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It frosted last night and I had to bring some hanging flower baskets inside. Highs for the next 10 days will be in the 50’s then the 60’s and finally into the 70’s. Lows will be in the 40’s and 50’s. I think it’s officially spring.
  4. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    That is a hike, did you drive it all yourself or did you trade off with your friend?
  5. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I drove it myself. My friend kept going to visit his daughter.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I had no idea what Googie Architecture was, this was the first time I had heard the name. Frankly, I thought it might have something to do with AWS and cloud computing :)

    But look it up, I have to say I'm there with you --- even though I never knew it! There are some that I do not like (LAX monstrosity for example) I love the look, and the era it came from. Maybe it was just too many trips to the bowling alley I grew up near which was built similarly to the one used in "Lebowski" - love it!

    I suspect now I'll see it more frequtly since I have a name for it --- but I too definitely love the aesthetic.
    Kevin and M&L like this.
  7. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Highs next week for our area just showed up in my Dark Sky app --- its 57 right now. This time next week it may be in the 90's. Mother nature is definitely off her meds.
  8. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    It was winter her two weeks ago and now it’s summer. Highs for the next ten days will be 70’s and 80’s and surprisingly lows will be in the high 50’s.

    I’m going to look at a farm tractor today.

    The architecture stuff was interesting.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Looking at old equipment or now? My dads neighbor just finished rebuilding an old Allis-Chalmers --- I wish I had the time, money and space to do that, especailly with companies like deere being so difficult in the right to repair movement.

    For a residential tractor it probably ins't a problem --- my toro probably uses the same motor as the deere...Kawasaki or Kohler. I just have a real problem with companies who keep such tight control. if I can't fix it, do I really own it?

    In my personal space, Synology (Network Storage) refuse to sell any parts to end users, neither does Apple. When it breaks - and they have to fix it --- do you REALLY own it? Synology & Apple --- I bought my last components from both of you. Not sayin', just sayin'. :)
    Kevin likes this.
  10. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Sweeny, I didn't know what "Googie" was either so I looked it up yesterday. When I saw it, it reminds me of the 50's styles with upswept lines, stars, curves,etc. I like that kind of style. View attachment upload_2022-5-5_13-12-25.png
    M&L likes this.
  11. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    That sign in the image you attached is a perfect example. Starbursts, atomic-looking stuff, rockets and saucers, Jetsons...all good stuff! I love the desert southwest since it can still be found there; here in California, a lot of it is gone. But Googie and Art Deco are my favorites!
    Kevin likes this.
  12. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I’m looking at both new and used. I will not but another John Deere even thought I’ve had good luck with them in the past.
  13. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Art deco, a little less -- I'm surprised I didn't know googi.

    I think I've said it, if not I will. I am an IT guy who is actually a barber at heart. I got my license back in the 2010's when my livelihood was threatened and fell in love withe "bowling shirt" look --- which is what I wear when I cut :D

    When, How and why -- thats a much longer story :D

    In the most interseting man kind of way....

    I don't always cut hair, but when I do....I dress googi style :)

    Not sayin', just sayin'

  14. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Love the shirt Sweeney!

    Yesterday I drove to Phillips and bought some Vietnamese pots.
    35661033-1E08-43DD-81A9-D30C13AA02C8 by Tour 931 posted May 6, 2022 at 4:58 AM

    It’s going to be in the 60’s and 70’s for the next 10 days so I’m working in my garden. On the 16th I take the train to Everett, WA to pick up my van and the last few things I left behind.
    Kevin likes this.
  15. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    In the meantime I’m using my CI as an outdoor kitchen. I have a barbie in the garage which I can pull out easily. I’ll be adding a Blackstone griddle soon. I might add a small refrigerator to the garage.

    9675B1ED-9909-470C-8231-AAB63AB387E1 by Tour 931 posted May 6, 2022 at 5:09 AM
  16. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Another beautiful pre-sunrise to what promises to be a t-shirt and shorts day.
    39CB94E8-0A99-4515-BD4C-F6F1679CBA1F by Tour 931 posted May 8, 2022 at 3:42 AM
    Gypsy, M&L, Ken & Peggy and 1 other person like this.
  17. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Looks do I book a site with Water and Electric right behind the main pavillion and patio? I don't need a covered site like you have.
  18. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    Just wire the money Western Union!
  19. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

  20. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger


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