WANTED 560 + Air Conditioning + Suv Height

Discussion in 'For Sale / Wanted' started by Dagobah, Apr 19, 2022.

  1. Dagobah

    Dagobah Newbie

    Hi there,
    We're looking for a 560 raindrop, specifically with air conditioning and SUV height (two options that are hard to add later). We're located in Dallas, TX and willing to travel—although closer is always better!

    We recently got a tour of another 560 owner's trailer who has been living in it full time for the past 4 years and were seriously blown away by how well it had held up. We've rented other trailers in the past and are ready to make the jump to owning one. (This is after 6 months of heavy internet research, phone calls, etc.)
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Great choices...especially in Texas. You're going to love it when you get it, for as good as they look on paper --- they are better in person :D
    Kevin likes this.
  3. Dagobah

    Dagobah Newbie

    A/C is a must as it'll extend our camping season quite a bit down here.
    Kevin likes this.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I've been there --- in May in 1991 helping a friend move to Pittsburgh after graduating from Rice. I seriously though I was going to die. Houston...looking at your username I'd say "thats about right..."

    I am considering moving south -- the winters here are not as bad as Wisconsin, but I'm done with cold/wet. I've considered Texas because of its probably exaggerated sense of pride and independence. But then I remember that trip. Maybe there are parts which are more arid -- but Houston and Dallas certainly aren't it.
  5. Dagobah

    Dagobah Newbie

    Houston is VERY humid. For example, last weekend (Easter) we were visiting and it was 100% humidity at 7am. Texas is a huge state with lots of different climates and topography. My favorite is the hill country west of Austin and the piney woods east of Dallas. All of Texas gets rather hot in the summer though :(
    Kevin likes this.
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I've visited the great Republic of Texas for work a number of times, but have been limited to big cities. Primarily Dallas (tech center with IBM) and found it to be like most other big cities. Fast moving, congested - basically in too much of a damned hurry.

    Being in my mid 50's I doubt I will be hired by any tech company since they can hire several new grads or 20 off-shore contractors for what they pay me. I'm expecting a career change once my current job ends...and with a re-org every 18 months, one coming up in a few months --- it could happen at any time.

    Hot isn't the problem as much...its the humid on top of it that really hurts. Ive been in 110 degree temps with 11% humidity --- and was fine. Water and a fan is all you need. But the 90 at 95% humidity, which is my summers here in Indiana, are flat out miserable. No breeze, no relief at night...just hot and sticky. Then to add insult to injury, we are locked inside from December through April becuase of cold, and snow.

    I keep hoping to be able to travel the southwest before I have to make drastic plans. As it is now, I'm probably heading to florida (near a coast, with a breeze).

    I just know it won't br a big city. My "backup career" is as a barber and with most smallish towns finding a shortage of this service creates some opportunity.

    Especially if you want the whole towel, shaved neckline, and scalp massage experience :D --- which I do --- hence the name Sweeney, a nickname given to me by a co-worker when I showed up to work with a straight razor in a "break only in case of emergency" case.

    Don't worry, the razor had a blunt edge not capable of cutting butter --- my site security in a very 'woke' company would have bounced me from the building for having a deadly weapon...
    Kevin likes this.
  7. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff

    Sweeney, I feel a Monte Python skit coming on.

    Kevin, Sweeney and M&L like this.
  8. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    I wintered over in Texas in a Class A and liked it. When I visited my friend in the spring and fall it was much to hot for me. I prefer the mild summers and cold winters of Wisconsin.

    And I’m very confident winter will be over by the time summer gets here.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I learned that lesson in "school" :D Merely a flesh wound!

    I do use a razor in my practice, mostly just for necklines. I can do a beard shave, but for the time it takes its a money loosing proposition. I can do 2 cuts in the time it takes to do 1 shave, and no one wants to pay $30 or $40 for a shave. Then, there is the liability issue.

    Barbershops can't use traditional straight razors anymore, they are required to use a blade holder that looks the same but the sharp edge is replaced after use. Basically, it's a safety razor is split in half and held in place with a clamping mechanism. They work well, but are not quite as keenly sharp as the ol' stropped blades were. They are also lighter, which contributes to them not shaving quite as well. No "mass".

    The barbershop I went too which inspired me to get a license was actually pseudo celebrity <- see the link. I found it because of this web site, and it was only a mile from my house at the time. The environment was a warm pot belly stove, with gentle music (typically bluegrass style) playing - and a ton of train memorobelia with a massive collection of Time/Life and National Geographic magazines....huge bookshelves full.

    I didn't catch it until after I was nearly complete with school. The shop owner did the whole neck shave with the hot lather and towel -- What I noticed was he never put the blade in the handle --- so you were getting a theatre act not a neck shave :)

    Sadly, he passed away earlier this year. I'm not sure the fate of the shop, but it is in a HIGHLY desirable area and I'm sure the land will be sold by his family. A piece of Americana gone. I used to love going there, just to hear Gary tell his stories. Each story was carefully crafted to provide a life lesson, be entertaining, and take exactly the amount of time it took for him to perform a service. Obviously well rehearsed and worth the price of admission.
    Kevin likes this.
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I figure I need a place in both places...the extremes are too hard.

    Ideally I'd be a billionaire (remember when a millionaire seemed excessive?) with a house in Florida for winter, and one in upper michigan for the summer....and a private landing strip at both locations with a Ultra 560 parked in both places ready for excursions.
    dustinp, Kevin and Cary Winch like this.
  11. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Man! That sounds like a GREAT plan!:D Now where did I leave that billion?
  12. Donna72

    Donna72 Newbie

    I have one we are about to post. We are the third owner and it was originally ordered in the fall of 2011 and delivered in the spring of 2012. Our unit is number 0485. It has SUV and AC, Ceiling hand rails and more.
  13. Dagobah

    Dagobah Newbie

    Thanks for reaching out! I’ll send you a private message, we’d love to hear more!
  14. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

  15. Dagobah

    Dagobah Newbie

    I'm set to pick up Donna72's 560 next week. Thanks y'all!
  16. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    campdude likes this.
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