Visit To The Factory Today

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by campdude, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    We were on our way to Munising MI to go Kayaking and had to cut across Hwy why not stop and get a receiver hitch put on...and an AC diffuser...and a propane gage..and an Alcan cover....and a side tent....(door screens will be next visit). Craigs tutorial had benefited us immensely in setting up the side tent when we made it up to Munising tonite. Worked like a charm. Not only was that great we found out the axle was adjusted for us and the tail lights sealed. Also the guy with the beard..(I think Chris) what a nice guy. We almost pulled out without our tables and he chased us down. Also, Amanda..thanks for getting us hooked up with the trailer to start with. Big Thanks to C. I. and all of their staff
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Yah, they are awesome up there in Necedah. I had mine re-worked --- bearings packed, and some minor repairs --- The team up there are amazing models of customer service which is long gone in too many places.

    The AC defuser made a huge difference! I didn't think it would, but it was definitely a noticeable improvement over not having it. Although, I would imagine in Munising you're probably not going to need AC -- thats pretty far up there. The door screens however you will certainly need -- I hear the blood bank sends out a nightly swarm and if you aren't careful you'll wake up a dried up husk....

    Where are you staying up there? I've never gotten quite that far north, we usually make it to Mackinaw City (Mill Creek Campground is our usual choice - little expensive but nice)

    We're planning our "pickup" trip --- to get our new rig in October. Might be a little chilly -- we may just do a quick out 'n back through Illinois and Northern Indiana...or loop over the top of Wisconsin/MIchigan. Not sure yet. I think that depends on what camp sites we can reserve and the weather once we get a firm date...

    NEXT summer though, Michigan UP is on my short list of places to go....I want to look at some property whiel I'm up there. The thought of owning a private campground is very appealing to me at this point. Espeically of Elon gets inetnet up there with Starlink :D
  3. L57

    L57 Novice

    Visited the factory in Necedah 16-17 August. Customer service is a Plus-Plus-Plus for Campinn owners. I had a repair issue that I trusted to no one but the experts. So I drove from central Pennsylvania to have the work done. Both Craig and Cary along with their expert crew to include Chris focused and fixed my camper. Without hesitation they diagnosed and repaired the problem. And then answered any questions I had. Very impressive since I am a new owner. I was invited and stayed in the Campinn Teardrop Campground. A great experience to check out everything in the field. Thank you Craig, Cary, Chris and all those who rushed in to assist with repair work. I am a Happy Camper
    Kevin, JohnC and Van_and_Terri like this.
  4. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Campground is a pretty nice perk :) We used it for a couple nights the last summer we were there. A generator to keep the AC running was a must....summers in Wisconsin turn the mosquitos into a health risk - not malaria, more like dehydration and anemia :)

    I have never heard of anyone having a bad experience there....
    Kevin likes this.
  5. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    We are staying at the KAO Wetmore, Michigan Campground | Munising / Pictured Rocks KOA Journey in Wetmore. Had reservations for the Pictured Rock Kyaking, went out on the water and it was too rough to launch us. With that said, we had Capt Rons fish when we got back to shore. Then we picked up Miners "Yooper" pasties. I have to say my wife makes better Pasties in my opinion.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021
  6. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    Nice! Sounds like a good couple days. Heard about pasties but never had one --- my baby brother has friends up there and raves about the. But thats as closed as I've made it :)

    Our trips usually end ad Mackinac City.....we havnt' "crawled" across the Yup yet. MAYBE next the time we getour rig in Octoer it will likely to just a little chilly up there --- and the only thing I like less than heat is cold :)

    Oh...modern problems....
  7. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    We should do a crawl across the UP next year
    Warren Mary Ellen likes this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    count me in :)
  9. campdude

    campdude Ranger

    Sweeney...what do you have for a generator? We are not typically "boon dockers"....but we do travel camp. My wife is thinking solar, but that will not run AC if needed. I am thinking a good ol' Binford 8200 type generator but...LOOKING FOR ADVICE?
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
  10. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I dunno about the binford, I think they need more power. :D I would strongly suggest you avoid an open-side construction generator you see in most home improvmeent stores -- they are very loud which brings up a number of problems:

    1] You anounce yourself to anyone within miles who will hear it
    2] Anyoen near you will hate you and probably try to kill you in your sleep
    3] They are really inefficient.

    What do I have?

    I have 2 --- the one I have direct experience with is a Yamaha EF2800ISHC (I think thats it) but it is no longer made. It ran my 2012 AC just fine, I assume it will the new ones as well, I don't think there has been any significant changes in window shakers int he past decade. The big downside to it is that it does not have an eco mode, so it runs at full speed all the time. The second downside is that it does not have an extended run kit available, so you must fill it when it runs out of gas.

    I also have a Honda Eu2200. I'm HOPING this one will do the job --- on paper, it should. It probably won't run on Eco mode for the AC, but its darned quiet even running full-bore. It has the advanage of having eco mode when I don't need full power --- and it has the ability to attach a second fuel tank --- a little generator like this should run for a weekend on a 5 gallon can....

    Once I get my rig -- I can update you on the Honda performance....maybe some one else here alerady has tested this....

    I'm curious --- how do you plan on using the generator? I have lot-docked (walmart, Cabelas, and the occasional cracker barrel) and never had a problem. This was much easier with a class A since we had a bathroom...Campinns not having a john made 3m a lot less comfortable :D

    Solar is good only if you plan on not using AC. The minute you think AC, you've got to think battery banks, multiple solar panels, large inverters etc. It just won't work in anything this small. But, if you want to run lights and a fan overnight -- solar is perfect. But even then, that is only if you plan on more than 1 night. A fantastic and a few lights will run just fine overnight on the battery on board. Maybe even 2 or 3 nights without issue.

    We did a weekend test --- 2 nights, no AC, Fantastic fan, watching DVD or maybe a few TV shows each night, and keeping our Dometic CF-35 running. Have to have cold "soda". We made it from Friday evening to Sunday. The on-board battery was pretty low, but we got through the weekend.

    You may not need anythng more than the CI comes with....whats your use case really look like?

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