Truck Bed Firewood Storage

Discussion in 'Other Gear & Equipment' started by Randy, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Kevin and Gypsy like this.
  2. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    Very nice, this seems like something that would also be useful for storing firewood in the cabin of the Camp-Inn -- we seem to be challenged to keep the dang bed clean.
    Kevin and Randy like this.
  3. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    much fancier than my solution. I have one of those big rubber horse mats from Tractor Supply on the flatbed of my truck, and that horse mat does a pretty good job of protecting everything. Not as neat as this though.
  4. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    I use Apple or Orange Boxes from the grocery store. Burn 'em when they are empty. Make good kindling.
    Kevin and Jerry Kemp like this.
  5. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    I do not want to be a Karen...and I admit, I've moved wood from one park to anther, but not more than a few counties away....but...

    At least in Indina, moving firewood is highly discouraged -- by that I mean government imposed fines if you do. The Emerald Ash Borer has decimated our Ash trees. Fortunately, we have a very wide range of trees in our area...Maple, Oak, Ash, Poplar -- So our state and national forests and state park campgrounds aren't bald. The last time I went through the black hills...they were named should be the bald hills.

    I'm generally not an alarmist...but please be careful moving firewood -- at least debark it and ensure it is aged, preferably kiln dried.

    I can definately undestand the why. Park wood prices are nuts. Here in Indiana the state parks are selling mill waste -- its crap! Its usually small pieces which is made up mostly of bark the exterior areas of the trees. But mostly its made if trash wood. I've stopped buying it except MABYE for kindling.

    The option I use is to find a local seller. Gas stations and roadside stands primarily. They are always cheaper and of better quality than park store junk.

    I like these bags -- coz even if I buy it local -- I still need to move it somehow, and these don't take any preplanning or space to store when not in use
    Chuckwagon and LisaNKevin like this.
  6. Jerry Kemp

    Jerry Kemp Junior Ranger

    I've got extremely mixed feelings here. There are none of your comments that I would disagree with. And i'm very happy to have and be able to used the park and forest services provided to us.

    But the whole wood thing is specifically like they are forcing us into a narrow path to purchase their over-priced wood.

    Picking up wood from the ground is forbidden. Can't bring my own. Really don't care to be forced into purchasing their firewood at the prices being charged. More often than not, feel like I should get a quarter of a cord for what is being charged for 2 or 3 "bundles".

    Don't know what the right/best answer is.
    Kevin and Sweeney like this.
  7. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    I don't remember where we saw the notice, but it was on our just finished trip through Missouri, Oklahoma Texas, New Mexico & Arkansas. (I know, no help) It basically said IF you bring your own firewood to the campground,, just be sure to burn it all before you leave..
    I've never seen that before...
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  8. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    totally agree. I may have moved firewood but it is debarked and dry. I can’t help but feel some vendor somewhere is getting rich off of me. But there is an abu dance of caution if I ever do bring my own. I try to buy it just outside the park I staying….
    Jerry Kemp likes this.
  9. Sweeney

    Sweeney Ranger

    this too seems reasonable, I have yet to see a bug that can Stand up to 1500 degrees…
    Last edited: May 9, 2021
  10. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    I tried to do the Abu Dance and threw my back out for a year or more.
    Ken & Peggy likes this.

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