Need Help Error When Attempting To Post Avatar Profile Picture

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Dale & Joni, Sep 7, 2019.

  1. Dale & Joni

    Dale & Joni Newbie

    New member here and soon to be happy 560 owner....I’ve been trying to enter my profile info and everything works fine except I can’t seem to get a profile photo to be accepted. I have shrunk the .jpg photo down to only 6Kb and 200 x 200 pixels but I still get this pop up message:

    The following error occurred:
    The uploaded image is too big.

    Searched the site but didn’t find anything on I missing something simple?

  2. Cindy & Dean

    Cindy & Dean Novice

    I have been having the exact same issue with the same error message - since late June. I would be very happy to know what the solution is as well.
  3. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

  4. Amanda & Alan

    Amanda & Alan Newbie

    Don't know if this will work for you or not... literally right now, I was also having the same problem/error message... re-sized to 200x200 pixels and it was a 50 kb file - still got error... then for giggles tried 100 x 100 pixels (23 kb)... yay worked

    Fingers crossed... good luck
    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  5. Dale & Joni

    Dale & Joni Newbie

    Thank You!!,

    I just posted a photo 100 x 100 pixels (33 kb) and it worked fine. A little small quality wise but waaaaay better than that gray box with the question mark.
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Glad to hear it was a simple fix.
  7. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    Is there a specific size and pixel limit for the avatar photos? I've tried a few different avatars I've used successfully on other sites. None work, I always get an error message saying they are too big. Thanks.
  8. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Have you tried that crazy small 100X100 pixel size?
  9. JohnC

    JohnC Ranger

    No, I'm done guessing. You folks will have to take my word for just how good looking I am. ;-)
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2020
    KarenBee and Ken & Peggy like this.
  10. dirty6

    dirty6 Ranger

    I don’t blame ya. I spent a fair bit of time trying all the tricks I could think of with no luck.
    JohnC likes this.
  11. Dale & Joni

    Dale & Joni Newbie

    I messed around with this far too long myself. I see in the notes above I used 100x100 pixel size to finally get it.
    Anyway, I looked at the properties on the current photo and pasted it below. Looks like maybe I was able to increase it to 140x140. Very low quality but at least it worked.

    View attachment upload_2020-11-25_13-13-0.png
  12. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    It seems a little strange that after all the years this forum has been up and running, that there is still the same cumbersome restriction on the members avatar picture size as there was when we joined the forum 7+ years ago, but then maybe I'm missing something that is obvious to others.

    Is there a way that the system could automatically resize any picture submitted to meet what ever requirement is necessary to produce the avatar space allowed??
    KarenBee and Ken & Peggy like this.
  13. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That would be a great resolution (pardon the pun) to this issue. It's not something I have the ability to make happen unfortunately. I'm happy to work with anyone's image to see if I can make it happen. Just send me your avatar image and I'll give it a try.
    Kevin and dustinp like this.
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