Members Map Pin Color Key

Discussion in 'Meet & Greet' started by Jim Carter, Nov 7, 2020.

  1. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Red = on the road (traveling)
    Blue = 560 owner
    Green = 550 owner
    White = ordered
    Brown = member of forum, but not a Camp Inn owner
    Yellow = In Production
    LisaNKevin likes this.
  2. Old Growth

    Old Growth Newbie

    How does one go about adding your Pin to the members map? I bought Mewtons 560 #408 a few years back in Spokane Wa. We live just across the border from Washington in Dalton Gardens Idaho.
  3. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    When you enter your home address and lat/long coordinates in your profile it should show on the map. If not, let me know and I'll try and help.
  4. Gypsy

    Gypsy Junior Ranger Donating Member

    What color for 500?
    Wonder why there is no color for Camp-Inn 500? Feeling left out. Didn't know about map when I first purchased my 2012 500 Special.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2020
  5. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Good question. You ARE a rare breed. Maybe Cary or Craig can come up with the appropriate hue for hyou.
  6. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    OK, you're now represented on the Member Map. The key is adding your latitude and longitude to your info.
  7. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    I’ve tried pasting several variations of this in home location:
    45.xxxxxx, -122.xxxxxxx (x are digits I’ve replaced in this message for privacy reasons)

    I’m getting this response:
    Geocode was not successful for the following reason: REQUEST_DENIED

    Am I pasting in the right place?
  8. Old Growth

    Old Growth Newbie

    Thank You very much
  9. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    You're welcome.
  10. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    It worked. You appeared to have the correct format. Not sure why there was a problem. You may want to tweak the numbers a bit as I used the lat/long for 'Portland, OR'
    PrairieVikings likes this.
  11. I am having the same problem, if you could help I'd greatly appreciate it!
  12. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    You need to enter the lat/long coordinates in the text boxes that ask for them, below your address info. I did that and you're now 'on the map'!
  13. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    Ah! That ‘splains it!

    Apparently the lat/long boxes don’t show up in all browsers. Mostly I use Safari on an iPad; will check on some other devices.
  14. Thank you so much!!!
  15. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    That's interesting. Glad you are now visible!
  16. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    You're welcome - glad to help.

  17. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    Ken, can I get a 560 pin added to the Members Map? I think I've done everything correctly, except that I don't see a Lat/Lon box in my Personal Details section (I've checked both Chrome and Firefox browsers...nothing). I do have "Napa, CA" listed as my Home Location.
  18. Ken & Peggy

    Ken & Peggy Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Done. Not sure why it's not showing up for you, but you're all set!
  19. M&L

    M&L Ranger

    Yay, thank you very much! it is greatly appreciated!

    Ken & Peggy likes this.
  20. Vince G

    Vince G Novice

    Me too please

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