Using stored water

Discussion in 'Care & Maintenance' started by Jim Carter, Oct 7, 2019.

  1. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    In the blue covered 2-21-17 revision of the owners manual in regard to the fresh water tank on page 16 it says "The tank should be filled with water during storage in non-freezing weather."

    I have a couple of questions about that:

    1. Should fresh water be put in the system before leaving on a trip no matter how long it was stored?
    2. How long should you store water before replacing it before a trip?
    3. (Not as important but) Why should the tank be stored full?


  2. Cary Winch

    Cary Winch Camp-Inn Staff


    This is one of those things we cover well in orientation.

    1) It is best to drain, flush and fill the water tank both when leaving for a trip and returning from a trip. There are variables of course. If the trip is short, like 10 miles or something then don't worry about the return leg. If it only has been a couple weeks since the last trip then don't worry about changing before you leave.
    2) Basically the logic is you have to ask yourself, how long are you comfortable with using water stored as drinking water? Generally if is just a few weeks don't worry about it. If it has been months then for sure change it.
    3) The tank should be stored full because air in the tank promotes bacteria growth. If you drain the tank you will get growths on the sides of the tank. You need to displace the air with fresh clean water. This is also true for driving. Often times we hear customers saying they don't want to carry the weight of water when driving so they drain the tank before hitting the road. This is a mistake because the heat from the hot pavement will heat up the water tanks and accelerate the potential issues. Try to have the fresh water tank as full as possible when traveling.

    As for the gray tank, of course this is not being stored full and hopefully not being driven full either. A strong bleach water solution in the bottom of the tank sloshing around when driving works great.

  3. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member


    Well my mind being a steel sieve I was bound to forget something from the orientation.

    I was pretty sure that was the reason for storing it full--except when winterized.

    Cary Winch likes this.
  4. sim434

    sim434 Newbie

    I found out that water would be fine to be kept in the storage as long as your storage doesn't have any algae or rust. Personally, mine is really really clean so if I went on a trip and only used half of it then I won't drain it and still use that water until my next trip.
  5. Tour 931

    Tour 931 Ranger

    What about dropping some water purification tablets in the water tank? I don’t drink from the sink water but use the tablets to keep any growth down.
  6. Tom Sutor

    Tom Sutor Novice

    Jim Carter likes this.
  7. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

  8. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    Inspired by this thread, I just completed sanitizing our fresh water system. I used the instructions in the CI manual, adding one more fresh fill/flush to the procedure. Since I was already set up with all the hoses & whatnot :)

    Passes the taste test! An easy Sunday morning project. I *highly* recommend this attachment on the end of your fresh water supply hose. Well worth the five bucks!
  9. Van_and_Terri

    Van_and_Terri Ranger

    Someone on the Airstream Forum just posted that while filling their fresh water tank with one of those attachments, the clear hose became detached and fell into their water tank. Several people on the Airstream Forum highly recommend the hose as well. But it only takes one unfortunate soul.
  10. Lipster

    Lipster Junior Ranger

    What does the Camco do on a teardrop that a regular hose does not?
  11. SethB

    SethB Ranger

    We would not have that particular problem if the spout falls out of the valve - the clear plastic spout only goes in so far on a Camp-Inn filler, and would stick out an inch or two. But my spout doesn’t show any signs of coming apart anyways. Who knows what it will look like in 10 or 20 years...

    (Edit - my comments are only about the Camco filler. there are competitors!)

    For our teardrops, it gives you a shutoff valve right there where you’re holding the hose in the tank, and, a pretty clean connection into the filler. In my driveway I’m at the far end of a 25-foot food-grade hose when I’m filling. Before the spout it was either drop the hose end on the ground (not sanitary!) or, have a second person shut it off. Now it’s an easy one-person job. I did 4 fills today without going back to the hose bib on the house, and only a few dribbles.
    Andrew Cushingham and LisaNKevin like this.

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