New Ownership

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Evan, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    Members of the Unofficial Camp-Inn Forum,

    After nearly nine years as the owner and administrator of the forum, I have decided that it is time for me to step down. I love our community and have always enjoyed my role here, but I am no longer able to devote the time that the forum requires and its members deserve. It’s time for the forum to take the next step in its evolution. In consultation with Ken (co-moderator) and the good folks at Camp-Inn, we have decided on the following path forward in this new year:
    • Camp-Inn will take over the financial and technical maintenance of the forum.
    • The Donate Button, by which our members have generously defrayed the operating costs of the forum, will no longer be necessary. Even so, those who have donated in the past will henceforth and forever bear the coveted title “Legacy Donating Member” in recognition of their contributions to the forum over the last nine years.
    • Ken, who has served as our faithful co-pilot for many years, will continue as 'moderator-in-chief', and will be happy to add the help of assistant moderators going forward to ensure the continued success of the forum.
    • The forum will continue to be called the Unofficial Camp-Inn forum. Why? Because Camp-Inn will not be moderating the discussions. This means that the overwhelmingly glowing reviews of their product and service are genuine.
    • I will continue on as a member of the forum and Camp-Inn enthusiast.
    • Overall, nothing much will change. But instead of the forum being maintained by a private individual, it will be maintained by the company that brought us all together in the first place.
    It has been a great nine years during which we have grown to just shy of 1,500 members. This truly is a special place online with so many wonderful people who have contributed to the Camp-Inn family. I trust that it will continue to be so for years to come.

    Have a blessed New Year!
  2. NH Wanderlust

    NH Wanderlust Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you Evan for all you did both with the forum and personally to lead me to being an owner of one of these wonderful campers. The forum gave us the confidence to purchase a 560 without EVER seeing a Camp-Inn in person. All we had was this forum and the company website. Jackie and I are forever grateful to have joined this diverse group of campers with a common love.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  3. pbaker2225

    pbaker2225 Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you Evan. Without you we would have not had this wonderful resource. Before I got my trailer I spent a lot of time on here reading everything I could find about CampInn. It led me to my first meet-up at MosseyRock. I had already ordered a 550. I met Joan who allowed me to sit in her 560 and I fell in love with it. I tried for a few months to talk myself out of changing my order to the 560. I did change my order and am happy that I did.
    Because of the forum and all that I learned I have been able to deal with any little problems that came along. I was encouraged and supported through the process of learning to back up. I read about all the pros and cons to the different options and additions.
    I hope I run into your little family sometime in the future.
  4. Randy

    Randy Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you Even for your stewardship of this forum. Like many, it led me to the purchase of my 560. The new format is SO much better than the old, we are all thankful. Don't be a stranger!


    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  5. jfocallag

    jfocallag Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Many thanks Evan! I too found the forum before I purchased my 560. The support has been invaluable. I have enjoyed the many people that I have met through the forum.

    Hope things are going well with Lena, Katie and you. Happy camping.
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  6. fdkoh99

    fdkoh99 Junior Ranger


    Like Pat says above - the forum had a *ton* to do with my purchase decision - it answered so many questions and let me know just how special the CampInn TD is and the great family that had been created. I am not a super active forum member - but I do visit even after all these years. It was great meeting you and family at Mossyrock - Thank you for all you have done.
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  7. rgupnorth

    rgupnorth Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Great job you have done - Camp-Inn should consider bearing the cost as this forum has been great advertising for their TD. Hard to beat having TD owners answering questions and making suggestions based on ownership experience.
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  8. Thanks and as others have said, the forum went a long way in convincing us that a Camp Inn was what we wanted when we decided to buy a teardrop camp four years ago.
    RollingRob likes this.
  9. dustinp

    dustinp Ranger Donating Member

    What more can I say other than ditto to all that has been said above, and it's nice to know you will still be a member!
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  10. Gypsy

    Gypsy Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Same here! Thank you! Happy Adventuring in all your endevours!
  11. Jim Carter

    Jim Carter Moderator Staff Member Donating Member

    Thank you Evan. This forum provides a wonderful service.
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  12. LisaNKevin

    LisaNKevin Junior Ranger Donating Member

    Thank you for your service to this community, Evan! I've relied on it so many times and been thankful that you pulled it together and held it together for as long as you did. You should feel very proud.
    Best wishes to you and enjoy whatever free time this generates for you. :)
    RollingRob and Evan like this.
  13. mariusz

    mariusz Junior Ranger

    Thank you so so much.
    Evan likes this.
  14. Jay & Valerie

    Jay & Valerie Ranger Donating Member

    Thanks Evan for all your hard work in building this community.
    Evan likes this.
  15. pat walsh

    pat walsh Junior Ranger

    Thanks Even hope you and your family can get some good time camping.
    Evan likes this.
  16. sarmay

    sarmay Junior Ranger

    Thank you, Evan. This forum was a huge help in answering questions about the Camp-Inn that enabled me to feel comfortable buying our camper without the benefit of seeing one in person first.
    Ben likes this.
  17. Craig Edevold

    Craig Edevold Administrator Staff Member

    Thank you Evan, for building this Forum! It has been a wonderful tool for Camp-Inn owners. I know you have spent a lot of time and effort to make it the great forum it is today. You created an awesome resource not only for Camp-Inn owners but the teardrop community at large. I can not thank you enough for all you have done!
    RollingRob, Jenn, Evan and 1 other person like this.
  18. Ben

    Ben Ranger Donating Member

    Will it be renamed from Unofficial to Official?

    I also agree with the above comments and can say as well that all the information and feedback from owners gave me the peace of mind to place an order without every seeing a camp inn in person. Such a great resource! Thank you.
    Evan likes this.
  19. Evan

    Evan Administrator Donating Member

    After discussion with Ken and the folks at Camp-Inn, we decided that it is in everyone's best interest to keep the forum unofficial. "Official" could imply that the positive reviews of Camp-Inn have been bought and paid for, causing doubt in the minds of potential buyers. "Unofficial" means that our feedback of their products and service is genuine and unfiltered.
    LisaNKevin, Charlie and Becki and Ben like this.
  20. Thanks Evan! Great job.
    Evan likes this.

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